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1200 Spot Light Switch Help

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Jasper, Nov 21, 2019.

  1. Picture or link to thingy please?
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  2. So the catch is inside the handlebar I guess?
  3. Look at nellys answer, I'll let you know if it works, possibly on saturday
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  4. The catch is a little black plastic square that hooks into a hole in the bars.
    The gizmo releases the light switches from the gizmo and slides off leaving the gizmo behind.
    I'll post some pics later, bit busy now
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  5. No rush :upyeah::)
  7. [​IMG]

    I managed to swap the bars, a bit fiddly but well worth the hassle.
    The gizmo is that little flat bar, it slides into the body of the switches and pushes down the retainer, then the switch can slide off leaving the retainer on the bar.
    A word of warning is Ducati throw in a couple of tamper proof torx screws on the throttle side, why?
    We had to drill the new bars to accept the retainers, there's two hollow pins that position the mirrors and two holes that needed tapping to hold the left grip.
    Using the old bars as a guide we transferred the positions onto the new bars.
    The bars are much narrower, which was the aim, 90mm narrower overall.
    With a bit of careful adjustment the controls just clear the tank and the screen, more by luck than judgement.
    Really happy it worked out as well as it did, can't wait to try it out.
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  8. Thanks for the update Mike. Glad you got it sorted without resorting to the dealers.
  9. @mike willis - out of interest, what make/type were the new, narrower bars?
  10. Thanks, a bit of messing around but got there in the end.
  11. They are LSL X01 in gold finish.
    Performance Parts ltd.
    Had a chat with them at the bike show, really helpful.
    It's a fair bit of fiddly work to do it, drilling the new bars was quite tricky, thanks to my mate Jason who just happens to be a master technician, I may have managed it alone but the confidence he brought was invaluable.
    The clearance between the tank and the screen is so close, to the nearest millimetre.
    More than happy
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