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V4 Squeezing The Lemon

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Topolino, Nov 17, 2022.

  1. Nice little Dune quote going on in your signature Nelson, swapped out the Morrisey lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Have to admit the same, the side profile of the V4 is stunning, but face on it's a fat knacker, and chuck your legs over one and you can how much bigger it is by comparison. But we all know why and things have to move on to remain competitive within race series, which is ultimately what the V4 Pani was built for. I've ridden a few and it is a leap forward over the V-twin by some margin, but I can't bring myself to buy one which is why I've still got my 1299S.
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  3. Werd brah :cool:
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  4. Completely agree with this, its not my cup of tea at all, and id also like to add aero wings on a road bike to "the list" if i may..

    Rim tape
    Clear Clutch
    Dark screen
    Anodised bolts
    Short Levers
    Aero wings
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Yeah, the V4 has a moustache. I dont like my girls to have a tache. Theyre not wings, its a tache...
  6. This thread has gone all Greg Haines, you only need to say something once to get your message across, not 28 times. Andy
  7. Got an invite, had new 999R Xerox in 2008, Superleggera in 2014 & V4 SP last year plus a couple of Panigale’s (Base & S) between them all.

    Would have gone for a Bautista had the price not been f’in nuts.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Had they been based on an SP they might just have been able to get away without it looking like a cash-grab.
  9. I don't think you need to buy new to get on their invitation list.

    As I am tight I rarely buy new but have had a couple of low mileage SLs and a V4R recently. As a result of registering them through the Ducati App I also get their invitations; worth it just for the VIP access and treatment at WDW.

    I must be a big disappointment to then in not taking up their offers!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Think il keep my panigale R thank you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Just catching up a bit with some threads, I got an invite.
    Didn’t take them up on it.

    But if it had been based on a v4r I would have definitely gone for it! A pecco rep!
    #71 Chillo, Dec 24, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2022
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