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SS carby battery??

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by 470four, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Well I ordered the Motobatt MB16AU , which appears to be the same size as the original one. Should be ok for my SL. It arrived today and I can confirm its the smae size as YB16ALA2 so hopefully jobs a good one.
  2. Howdo!!

    Used the Odessey 680 (Fits original battery holder but is one heavy mutha! But 4years on and without charging it still cranked the bike over) & PC310 (Now in my GSXR, 3year on and going strong, only downside is the small female terminals) in my Superlight both very good. Currently using the 12 cell Ballistic which sparks the bike more or less first time with no sign of flagging, also V.light.

    Cheers Pablo
  3. Having got tired of endless replacements, some cheap some not, I now have an Odessey 680 on my SS as the design life is supposed to be 8 to 12 years!! I'm sure someone on here or maybe the defunct Ducatisti site had one for over 8 years on a carby. Not cheap but excellent kit even if a bit heavy at nearly 7kgs. Never loses charge even over the winter and cranking perf is superb. Also changed the leads to something more suitable

    hope this helps
  4. I use a motobatt yt7 (or something like that) on the 853R/S. It holding out fine, if a little heavy.The lifo gong back on for racing, motobat for trackdays.
  5. one thing to bear in mind about lithium ion batteries is that if you flatten them you won't be able to recover them like you can a lead acid/gel battery. And in the scheme of things you'll notice the weight difference about as much as you notice the weight decreasing as your fuel tank empties.
  6. My 2 pence worth

    For the ultimate in battery power CCA etc you wont get better than these

    Braille Battery UK &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Lighter • Stronger • Faster

    However most will fall down at first sight of the price tag on a Braille, so recommendation would be for the Shorai, I've been using the LFX12A1 in my M900 for the last year without issue and the best bit is it weighs about the same as a teabag
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  7. Al points noted - will be keeping my old lead-acid as a jump battery, I have every ounce of mechanical sympathy & would never screw the last mA out of a flat battery anyways? It shouldnt need any manintence charging due to the extremely low discharge rate but if it did it takes 5-15mins off an old-style full-rate bike battery charger until it is back up at 14.4v, and Im sure I can find something to do in the garage for that time. :biggrin:

    The weight difference? 4.5kg. FOUR AND A HALF KILOS. That is quite a difference, right where it matters at the very top of the bike! The weight of half-a-tank of fuel? Good! I rarely brim the tank anyways, so if I am running around with half a tank that means I have an empty tank! Superb. :upyeah:

    I can spent a relatively huge amount of money on ti bolts etc and lose grams, or spend £60 and lose kilos? With Dukes its all about torque & power-to-weight, & with an SS I need all the help I can get. :wink:
  8. oh sure, I didn't say don't do it, and if you're happy to spend the money then fill your boots. Might I suggest the Poggipollini titanium trellis frame? it's an absolute steal and the weight saving huge especially combined with the battery. So do you have a lightweight ally or carbon tank as well?

    I couldn't justify the weight loss diet mainly because in part I can't afford it, but I'm not talented enough of a rider to see the benefit of the outlay. I've got my marchesini rims and they're pretty much me done. Maybe when the prices come down in the batteries I'll definitely look at it but until then several hundred quid on a battery is just a no no for me, however some of your links make the argument persuasive.
  9. Granted - I couldnt afford £125 for a Ballistic 8cell, £150 for a 12cell, £162 for a Shorai? :eek:

    I did however, afford £66 for this:
    Ballistic EVO 2 8 Cell Performance Battery | eBay

    - which is what I would have paid for a Motobatt? :upyeah:

    There was a nearnew Shorai 18A on eBay a few days back for £75? :wink:

    (Will google the ti frame...mmmm :biggrin: )
  10. Howdo!!!

    Over the years the Battery has become quite a performance mod, this is a massive weight loss and how much carbon would you have to fit to gain the same savings?? The thing with our bikes is they really are basic tractors ooooooh arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! And any simple mod to them brings great gains compared to say a GSXR. Come on fat fighters!!!! Eat more DUST!!!
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  11. Lol hello Pab, it was all one-sided there for a moment! :biggrin:

    The new battery is here - is a tiny thing! Like a little plastic Tonka battery?? Will get some pics up tomorrow when I fit the thing :upyeah:
  12. F-me.....stick a couple of Duracells in.....:wink:

  13. problem is the weight saved and also the size of the battery means that I'd just use the space in the battery box to carry and keep warm five kilo's of bacon sarnies.

    Dust my arse!
  14. I dont understand memory cards. Tiny little things you use in your phone about the size of a fingernail that will store THOUSANDS of photos, videos even?

    I have a few draws upstairs which are full of old photos, taking up a lot of space, in no particular order and would be impossible to find the ones I want to see?

    Or you can scan them into your laptop. Put them into folders, find them all easily and they would take up no space at all?? Technology eh! Incredible...

    I picked up the little red battery and looked at either side, bemused by its apparent lack of size or weight? It felt plastic, like a large Lego brick. I was completely flummoxed how this was going to spin a cold twin over?? Battery's were huge things, bubbles and acid, witchcraft?? It said i was a real one but It felt like a toy one, I could imagine a boy "removing" it from his ride-in toy car using plastic spanners... :biggrin:

    Daylight - eBay to post and shopping to do, then in with the new'un.





    Weghing in at 800g for the Ballistic, and 5.4kg for the old lead/acid? (Note calibrated scientific measuring equipment) :upyeah:

    There was a huge crater for the new battery to fit in?? I considered raising it up so the old rubber straps could be used, but settled for trimming the excess off the foam packing the battery came in to hold it in place.

    Minor faff with the leads? I have an extra lead going from the battery neg to the engine earth, and another from the battery pos to the starter solenoid - spins a LOT better!

    The pos and neg contacts were on the wrong side of the battery, meaning I had to trim the terminal surrounds off with a hacksaw so the battery leads would mount with the battery in the "wrong" way round? Had to flatten out the steps in the lead ends so they sat flat then All good!




    Ignition on, all lights up!


    Petrol on, half-choke -

    *Pha-choo* *Pha-choo* BRRRRRUUUUUUMMM!!!

    "Fk me!"

    It cranked strongly a few turns then burst into life... Voodoo Magick!!

    Chuffed with that - no idea whats inside the little bugger but its good stuff! :biggrin:

    Good weight loss too, went to pull the bike by its handlebar end up off its sidestand so it was level while I was crouched by the side of it to check the oil level and it sprang upwards like Saville in a playground and nearly fell over on me??! Will have to watch that. :wink:
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