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St Georges Day - Abu Qatada

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Even though he and his family are costing us £millions to preach about how much they hate the civilised world? I say send him back for some good old fashioned medieval torture, its the only thing he will understand. The 21st century civilised legal system belongs to the civilised people.
  2. Right, and sending someone off to be tortured is the mark of a civilised society is it?
  3. You are either in a civilised society or you revolt against it. He prefers the latter so send him on. The Jordanians have promised not to torture him and I believe them. Result, £millions saved, terrorist threat diminished to a degree, civilised society continues......
  4. My issue with the whole human right thing is that the evildoers use it to hide behind. They dont give a rats ass about the innocents they commit crime against , and were not just talking terrorisim here, any crime against individuals or society as a whole.

    Illegal immigrants are just that illegal. Eject them at the point of discovery irrespective of circumstance. Those that contribute nothing are a burden to the law abiding citizens.

    There is a procedure for applying for citizenship, those who chose not to follow this procedure should forfeit any protection from the human rights or any other legislation afforded by society to legal citizens.

    I accept that there will always be exceptional circumstances in many cases but most illegal immigrants are nothing more than economic parasites bent on receiving the easily obtained benifits offered by the UK.

    How come, if they are intent on fleeing the fear of persecution or torture, do they cross the whole of the continent to the island that is the UK? Surely if their fear is genuine as soon as the likelyhood of harm is passed they should apply to that country for assistance.

    In relation to Quatadas profile, Jordan wouldn't dare subject him to torture as the eyes of the world would be on his trial and any falling foul of this would set Jordan up as an outcast. trade links would be cut and sanctions could be imposed. Jordan has far more to lose than waterboarding an individual who sought to blow up Jordanian citizens and then ran away from his crimes.

    Abu Hamza is another example. They commit crime and terrorisim and run off to the UK where they hide behind our legislature.

    Sa far as being a civilised society, If the rules of entry to the UK had been firmly laid down from the outset and not let slip by an under resourced border security system, we may be in a better position.

    Every country has immigration issues but some mange them better than others. We I feel have failed and we pay for illegals to live here while we sort the mess out? what?

    No prospect of cash handouts, how many would look to enter illegally?
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  5. All the time he's here he's harmless, and possibly useful to national security.
  6. There are two separate questions here.

    1. Whether he should be deported with due process of law: and the answer is yes.

    2. What benefits he should be entitled to as a non national who entered this country illegally on a false passport: and the answer is little beyond a very basic subsistence grant.

    It is OK to have standards and occupy the moral high ground but whilst we see that as part of our strength our enemies see it as a weakness to be exploited. We do not have the right balance IMHO.
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  7. Breaking News courtesy of NewsBiscuit: Abu Qatada stays, everyone else goes, rules government

    The government has signed a mutual assistance treaty with Jordan to ensure that radical cleric Abu Qatada can stay in the UK while 62.64 million British citizens are deported to Jordan, Theresa May has told MPs.

    ‘It’s the only way left to get him off our hands,’ the Home Secretary said, and reassured the public that the treaty had guarantees on fairness within it for all British citizens taking up residency there, including those facing a criminal conviction. Originally there was a question mark over the treatment of those arrested and bailed without charge, like Rolf Harris, but Jordanian officials have assured the Home Secretary that anyone with a beard will definitely receive a fair hearing. This news was also welcomed by former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe.
    ‘The government is doing ‘everything it can’ to keep Abu Qatada in the UK,’ said Mrs May, hinting that if necessary the law would be changed and adding that the British people would be ‘extremely vexed’ if by some loop-hole he was allowed to join them in their new home.
    The Jordanian government is already looking at developing social housing schemes on the borders with Syria and Iraq, Mrs May confirmed, to accommodate the imminent influx of Britons seeking a better life unfettered by the European Court of Human Rights.
    The Home Secretary said she believed that being allowed to live entirely on his own in the UK would totally eliminate any need for Abu Qatada to receive a fair trial in Jordan, and that this was the best solution all round. ‘And o course, there’ll be no one around for the ‘hate-preacher’ to preach to which will make the UK, and indeed the world, a much safer place.’
    Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said she was willing to work with the government towards Abu Qatada’s permanent residency in the UK, but accused Mrs May of neglecting the fact that Jordan’s harsh climate might not suit everyone, ‘especially the Duchess of Cambridge who is currently in full bloom and may not be able to stand the heat.’
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  8. Stick the twat on one of them fuck off big acme fireworks with wylie coyote lighting the fuse .
  9. Fig, he and his family are costing us millions and they know it! He would be much more harmless in a Jordanian dungeon.
  10. Perhaps you could explain the basics of the process whereby illegal immigrants are able to claim benefits?
    You seem to be conflating Illegal Immigrants with Asylum seekers, they are not the same thing by a long long way.
    There are many reasons why an Asylum seeker might choose to come to the UK but we are not the most popular destination as this spreadsheet shows
    France and Germany take double the numbers we do, Italy takes 30% more even Belgium take more than we do.
    There is also a lot of evidence that says Immigrants generally are less likely to claim benefits across the whole EU, including the UK, than the indigenous population. The only countries where this is not the case being Denmark, Germany, Finland and Sweden
  11. "Perhaps you could explain the basics of the process whereby illegal immigrants are able to claim benefits?" By being aprehended and then claiming Asylum?
  12. if we send the bastard to Jordan who will we hate?
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