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Star Wars is shite!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Forget the stormtrooper outfit who's girlfriend has the princess leia bikini outfit?
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  2. Mine...trouble is I have the Jabba one, which for me is a piece of loin cloth..
  3. I made a conscious decision at an early age - either stay in and watch heavily made-up actors strut their stuff, or go out and meet some humans. Quite frankly, Princess Leia didn't stand a chance.
  4. I'm a bit of a sci fi fan, I love sci fi films, books and video games. And yet somehow I have still managed to get out and meet people. I have a good network of friends, I'm married to a fantastic woman and I have a son on the way.

    The original star wars films are by far superior, although the newer ones have their moments too. The pod racing scene for instance was brilliant.
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  5. Most Sci-fi movies don't contain any plausible science nor any worthwhile fiction - they are mostly cops n robbers / good guys vs bad guys story lines with silly costumes, compensated for with oodles of CGI...

    Having said that, Kubrick's '2001 - A Space Odyssey' is one of my favourite films. :)

    <retreats to a safe distance>
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  6. That'll be why it's called science FICTION, then...
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  7. Fiction just means it's not actually true.

    Well-written fiction is generally believable or at least coherent. Not just utter bollocks :)
  8. star wars rock, come to that, star trek too ; )
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  9. To be fair, I do like Star Wars, and Star Trek, especially the fourth (?) one where they return to Earth in the '80s - some good one-liners:

    Biologist: Don't tell me - you're from Outer Space?!
    Kirk: No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in Outer Space.
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  10. its a classic example of milking it dry.
    the 1977 was a classic.
    and the 2 after ok.

    the recent ones not so good imo

    I liked the pickard era of star trek
    but all the spin offs ds9 etc not so good.

    just got the blue ray of 2001 a space odyssey (1960s) just superb
  11. Quite possibly the most accurate and succinct summary of the idiom.

    Good vs Evil (repeat/ad lib to fade).

    I loved star wars....in 1977.

    2001 doesnt really follow the blueprint, which is perhaps why it stands out..shame Arthur C Clarke never quite shook off the paedo allegations.
    There are lots of other great sci-fi writers such as Larry Niven whose stories arent just medieval tales of wizards and princesses set in the sky, but these have never been adapted to film...and when Hollywood got its hands on Asimovs 'I Robot', they utterly destroyed it.... turning it into yet another effects driven, cliche laden pile of sensory overloading, cerebrally underloading shite..
    HG Wells must have been spinning in his grave when the Americans raped 'The War of the Worlds'.....they absolutely bum raped it..wouldnt it have been great to have set it in Victorian London?? 'cannons against the lightning'....The great unwashed could still have had their jollies with lots of superfluous effects and gratuitous explosions...they could even have thrown in a few 'up petticoat' shots, but at least it would have held the tension and desperation of the original..

    Sci-fi...like so many other things..could be utterly fantastic, but as usual, is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator shit.
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  12. I enjoy sci fi. But only in books. I am fully aware of the 'science' behind it.

    Ive read the entire catalogue of Azimov. These are fantastic pieces of literature on their own without the sci fi tag attached. Arthur C Clarkes 2001 and his return to vega too are sublime. I also enjoyed Ian M Banks, Reynolds, Asher, Hamilton etc. They are books for entertainment and as long as they entertain whats the problem. Its horses for courses. Now my all time favourites are the Hitchiker Guides and the Dirk Gently books. I adore Douglas Adams writings. I note Enders Game is in the cinemas. That too is a fine book. The latter ones are a bit meh but that book is his best book by far.

    Anyone expecting anything thats not dumbed down from Hollywood is foolish. Their assessed by committee and anything designed by committee is usually 100% bollocks. But there is usually only 1.5 to 2 hrs to tell the story. The original SW was a very simple tale and could have been set at any time or place. And it has. Often. You cannot tell asimovs robots tails in 1.5hrs and the film business is a business. They want cash and lots of it. So they factor for the most amount of people with the cash who for the most part will accept this shit because they dont know any better. Having being brought up with this shit, they know not any different. The French would not accept this crap and they dont. Neither do we for some part but we have the same language (mostly) and thus those same people targeted in the USA have their equal representative over here. Thus we get the shit too. The best films from the USA are the independent films and they will not have the budget for a blockbuster. For instance the best film to come out of the states in a long while was little miss sunshine. I will always generally watch a Coen Bothers film too a theyre usually very very good.

    Films fail because we often possess a greater imagination than the studios give us credit for. They aim for the numpties as they just want fodder whilst they shove popcorn down their gullet. Thinking was given up by a large amount of the populace when the TV was invented. Hence why shite and drivel dominate our televisions, yet literature still thrives. And it always shall as people arent actually that stupid (mostly) but use the cinema/TV purely for escapism. When they want a challenge they read or do something equally engaging. I will too opt for escapism now and again. Hence why I will watch Star Trek movies etc.

    No one is exempt.
  13. Can't remember a single sci fi film that DIDN'T have spaceship sound as it went flying around in a vacuum!!! No air= no sound. Don't even get me started on helpfully coloured beam weapons; bad guy - red laser, good guy - green laser/maser/graser etc etc.
    Will go and see Gravity at the flicks. Seems to be above the normal level of pap in space :tongue:
  14. Serenity
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  15. Was on recently film4 i think
  16. Il raise a glass to that!
  17. Star Trek bag of ....

    I don't do Star Trek .
    Space 1999 was the one ... I'm baffled why we are not all walking around dressed like that .
  18. I'm still waiting for my Diecast Eagle toy :(

    And see why are we not dressed like this ?
    No need to iron ...nice " shroom " colour doesn't show dirt ...
    Bit of a breeze up your leg via flared trouser bottoms ...
    Beats "SuperDry" hands down ...
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383610234.216404.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383610245.235670.jpg


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  19. Oh lastly ..... Buck Rogers!!!
    Hot stuff ! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383610657.881172.jpg

  20. Iddy biddy diddy! Wilma.
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