nah wilma was for boys... princess Ardala However, looking at old reruns now that I've got hair on me chest I note wilma always had some orteil de chameau showing.. must have been a long filming session in that outfit.
Star wars is o.k, if you are a child. For serious science fiction I recommend 'Sunshine' Sunshine Trailer 2007 HD - YouTube
firstly..colonel Deering from Buck Rogers was super hot..even now in the spandex...probably one of my first crushes... but whilst in on the subject of milking it dry, i couldnt agree more with Phill(estine)...they just take the piss with sequels and now prequels... Quite possibly the worst bit of child acting (other than 'yes i love you Mr. Savile'), is when the abominable brat in Phatom Menace says, "Gee that was tense", with a voice more flacid than my cock when its confronted by your wife.
Your kidding yeh? Has proffessor Brian Cox's ( Mr Smiley) approval for authenticity. Proper science fiction!
Dark Star!!! Fucking awesome!!. Forgot about that film. I adore that film. Silent running Soylent Green Solaris :redface:
Talk about coincidence. Sam saw that "Dark Star' was on TCM a fortnight ago and recorded it for me! Fucking spooky.
Moon was brilliant ! Dark Star .. Another great film my website is named after it ! Event Horizon another good film.