Star Wars is shite!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. nah wilma was for boys... princess Ardala :p

    However, looking at old reruns now that I've got hair on me chest I note wilma always had some orteil de chameau showing.. must have been a long filming session in that outfit.
  2. the 57th star trek film was good but after the 32nd star wars it lost its plot.........ok?
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  3. space 1999 was better the next year after we all partied like it was .......em........1999.
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  4. is that porn?
  5. firstly..colonel Deering from Buck Rogers was super hot..even now in the spandex...probably one of my first crushes...

    but whilst in on the subject of milking it dry, i couldnt agree more with Phill(estine)...they just take the piss with sequels and now prequels...

    Quite possibly the worst bit of child acting (other than 'yes i love you Mr. Savile'), is when the abominable brat in Phatom Menace says, "Gee that was tense", with a voice more flacid than my cock when its confronted by your wife.
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  6. 90% of my body is less than 10 years old... probably why I find farting funny.
  7. Seen it. Tripe. :tongue:
  8. Your kidding yeh?

    Has proffessor Brian Cox's ( Mr Smiley) approval for authenticity. Proper science fiction!
  9. Ok. Its was authentic yet not very good.
  10. What about Dark star, Silent running, Soylent green , Solaris, and lastly but not least, Moon?
  11. Dark Star!!! Fucking awesome!!. Forgot about that film. I adore that film.

    Silent running :upyeah:
    Soylent Green :rolleyes:
    Solaris :redface:
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  12. I only just rewatched that the other day. Very good, especially on the Blu Ray :upyeah:
  13. Talk about coincidence. Sam saw that "Dark Star' was on TCM a fortnight ago and recorded it for me!

    Fucking spooky.
  14. Moon was utterly brilliant! I loved sunshine too.

    Soylent Green made me hungry...
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  15. Moon was good too. Top film. :upyeah:

    I'm not a fan of Charlton Heston so I stay away from his movies.
  16. Moon was brilliant !
    Dark Star .. Another great film my website is named after it !

    Event Horizon another good film.
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