Steering lock, immobiliser, gps tracker, private property, gates, security staff and cctv. I hope they count as precautions
How the hell can a bike be nicked under those conditions......private property, gates, security staff, cctv? Smells a bit fishy to me
They got through the gates somehow....My assumption would be the gates require a security pass to open or the security guards need to be contacted to open up.
@Stef Have you taken this further with the Police? I'd be asking some serious questions as to how they got in and through that lot.
Hi everyone. First of all thank you very much for your help and support. I just wanted to let you know that the insurance paid out in full (they took £200 away from what I paid the bike). I must say that (even though it took 6 weeks) the whole process with MCE and Examworks was painless. The people from both companies were friendly and always helpful. So, despite all the bad reviews I've seen, MCE deserves a 5-star rating by me. And, again, thanks everyone for helping me out in this weird period! Best