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Streetfighter 848 handle bar change

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by Beeds, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. Is the QS road or race pattern?

    Could be interested if race.
  2. I am interested in the bars.If you could pm me with details and price I would be grateful.Thankyou.
  3. I'd be intersted in the bars if Mervyn doesnt want them, i'd also take the ASV levers and Oberon clutch cylinder
  4. Did anyone ever hear from Count? I was after his seat!
  5. No-perhaps he had to go away suddenly.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. No he has been busy abroad with work. Parts are still on his bike.:upyeah:
  7. I have had the last week of my financial year to close out. I'm back in the land of normality and will respond.
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  8. Keep me updated Count, would be very interested in a few bits
  9. Any reason in particular why people go for the Rizoma 'bars over the Renthals?
  10. Count, I just tried to reply to you but it says your mail box is full.
  11. Count been trying to message you not sure if it sent Iam after a seat,tail tidy and rad guards if you selling them mate
  12. is that the seat with extra padding my yaro :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  13. No not anymore Iam like a whippet ,could even go back to school :upyeah:
  14. you stil got them xxxl school jumpers like :tongue:
  15. Need to borrow your kids size might be able to eat into it:wink:
  16. giz a lend of your fairground scales and mirrors mate , it was ridable today like
  17. Hi count.
    Are the termi's up for grabs?
    may be interested if they are?
  18. The Termis will be up for grabs.
  19. Cheers. Any idea how much you will be after for them?
  20. Had a little ride today, have to say the bars have made quite allot of difference, I would definitely recommend the mod!
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