Thanks for the help today, got the rearsets and fork and spindle sliders on and had a bit of a clean.....the spare fairing is going to need painting I think before I put it on, looks terrible. Just need a torque wrench to get the engine casings on and that engine slider. Just out of interest, nothing will leak out while I'm putting these on will it? Just seems like a lot of bolts to remove without realeasing something. Quite happy with those
You mean case covers? Shouldn't do if you take out, put new on and replace without too much time between I'm a philistine but I don't torq them either, just use right size tool and nip them up.
The thing to remember with a twin (or a single) if it can fall off.....eventually it will. Loctite has had a bit of bad press here, but if you use the correct (recommended) grade the bolts will easily come out when needed. Enjoy riding your bike....without constant bolt checking.
Heh, that would also be nice.....Think I'll keep an eye on them for a little while and see how they go,maybe reach for the loctite if things go astray too often.
And check often, I had the three longer bolts which attach one of the case savers comes entirely undone, only noticed as I was at Donnington and a small oil leak seem to have been sprung, so when checking if I'd not dome something up properly after an oil change I noticed one had worked itself all the way out then spotted the others. That was after about 500 miles of use, but could have been I didn't do the, up all the way to start with as I was changing lots of stuff and possible I nipped each bolt them never tightened