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Discussion in 'Forum How To's - create an Avatar/Event/Group etc?' started by JoeC, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Same as last year, no paypal. I need to pay by bank transfer.
  2. isnt it just under the rocket science button?
  3. Bump. Anyone from admin please?
    Fed up with the ads already!
  4. What did you do in the end last year? :thinkingface:
  5. Hi Joe
    How did you pay last time?
  6. Bread sticks and a fluorescent waistcoat probably..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Oh not wotsits :D
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Wotsits? Nah, difficult to get hold of currency over here..
    • Like Like x 1
  9. can we get back on topic please
    • Lock Thread Lock Thread x 1
  10. Hiya, I honestly cannot recall but as I do not have paypal it was probably direct to bank via Transferwise, as with every other transaction I have made through the forum. I have an idea el T organised it?
  11. Hi @JoeC - pretty sure with PayPay you dont actually need an account, can just par using debit card...
  12. Hi Rob, I don't use paypal under any circumstances. I've explained on here a couple of times the reasons why. If you could send me an IBAN number or UK bank account number I can pay via my VISA card through Transferwise?
  13. Hiya, I still need to subscribe. I am getting bombarded with spam, pop-ups etc. and can’t remain on the forum without.
    Could you respond to this please else it goodbye from me!
    Thanks in anticipation,
  14. Don't go Joe :sob:
  15. 3440C922-8998-4179-A94B-BE71352F2A4B.png
    I know, I am far to good to lose
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  16. Ya think?







  17. Ok... there may be something in it....
  18. On the upside though, I’ve won a new phone!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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