+1 to that, was interesting adjusting back to the Diavel, MRA screen works very well and the frame plugs do indeed make it go faster so all good
Had a couple of cars flash me on the way into Winchester, I thought they were advising of a speed trap up ahead but no, must have been showing their approval of the frame plugs....
didnt have any flashers...and got thru Winchester a different way without getting lost saw you drop off on the Warnford Road, so cracked on past the girl on that Beemer and onward home...to catch a bunch of pikey circus trucks all the way back to Tichfield
Good to hear you lot made the most of the sun. Shame I wasn't able to get out today.... Hopefully next time
Yes we all missed you today :wink: Went for a bit of a spin afterwards - real shame so much debris on the roads Good to see some new faces And i apologise to the owner of the Harley in the car park (actually no I don't but there you go)
good to see all today, enjoyed brekkie and a little spin out afterwards (shame my bikes such a fucker for flat batterys)
Aw thanks Char. I was thinking of you and Martin as it took me 2 hours to get to Salisbury on Friday! Go on....... What did you do to the Harley!?