I realise this is an older thread now, but I felt the need to look into @Pete1950 's observation about the benefit of images built using fractals, and I'm glad I did. Not that it helps in this case, but it was a most interesting and illuminating exercise. It appears that image compression algorithms based on fractals, are likely to be more efficient in reproducing an image, than those using schemes based on pixels. Unfortunately, the encoding time for a fractal based image is significantly longer than conventional techniques for processing images. However, in situations where the image outcome is more important than the time to produce it, this method provides greater in-depth reproduction possibilities. I apologise if I have sent most readers to sleep already, but for those interested the link below gives a more authoritative account with examples. Hope it's not been too boring! Tom. https://tomrocksmaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/why-image-enhance-is-real.pdf