Eh I get told I don’t look like a biker I think it’s a nice surprise when I can converse bikes don’t ya think
Very true. Having worked at Total and Texaco for approx 15 years, the fuel guys explained the same. There is a British Standard for fuel, like all standards, there is a tolerance. Fuel straight off the rack (out of the tank at the fuel bunker), just meets the bottom of the tolerance for the BS standard. This fuel tends to find its way to supermarkets. The branded sellers, Texaco, BP, Esso etc etc will pay extra and have additional additives added to their fuel as it is loaded in to the delivery tanker. The branded fuel still meets the same BS spec as supermarket fuel, but, branded fuel is at the top of the tolerance for the BS spec. In reality, the differences between branded fuel and supermarket fuel is minimal, but there is a difference. Can we really spot these small differences in a standard engine on a road going bike, or do we kid ourselves that we can feel a difference?