FB is friends only, or should be, but Twitter is public. Everything you post. She added a hashtag (#bloodycyclists) which I suspect is a pretty common one, thereby advertising it.
I don't know, I thought she was suspended from her job for being 21 years old. She made a stupid tweet? What else had she done, anything? There was some mention of a cyclist, what does cycling have to do with it?
Not all occupations are the same. People who want to practice in disciplined professions, like barristers, solicitors, doctors, dentists, chartered accountants, chartered surveyors, etc etc are held to certain standards which are higher than those of the population at large, and likewise people who join the armed forces, the police, the civil service, etc. If you cannot meet the required standards, there are loads of other occupations where they do not apply. The media love reporting stories of folk who not only commit offences but publicly boast about it afterwards; they know readers feel good when they read about other people being really, really stupid.
It appears that Sally Bercow has been found guilty of libel because of her tweet about Lord McAlpine.
What do you mean, "guilty of libel"? Libel is a civil matter, not a criminal prosecution, and there is no question of being guilty of it. For you to state that "Sally Bercow has been found guilty" is in itself defamatory and untruthful; you can expect a writ from Mrs Bercow any time soon so better watch out!
It is becoming more and more common for employers to look at social media before hiring applicants, because so many halfwits broadcast what they do on the weekend or every little thing! and who they are outside of work, there will be many young people out there who have not been offered a place because of it.
I got made 'redundant' in the very early 90's from a very well paid senior position because 'someone' more senior disliked the idea me participating in sidecar racing and that 'someone' advised the management on the basis that my 'culture' was not a good advertisement for the company. I didn't need twitter or facebook for that to happen.....It just happens faster now. AL
Clearly - And she's a trainee bean counter FFS! I can just imagine her pompous, bullying bosses suspending her for causing the "Firm" embarrassment.
Why oh why do people feel the need to post the events of there lives on fuzzbook or twatter. I really do not understand or want to understand. More to the point, I don't care. What happened to the days of keeping close council? I think its my age but hey Im glad this social media/network thing past me by
ive been knocked off. was training for sportive last year woman in a clio came overtaking me and as she got level decided to dive into a parking space on the left taking me with her.. police were useless as shite if it wasnt a case of careless driving I dont know what is. she had a clear unobstructed view of me as approaching me and was careless to check her inside mirror.. so annoying I could have easily broken something and the american company I work for are a little lean on sickness benefits. me doing the 108 mile sportive !!
Maybe it was just her opinion she could go in that parking space I'd heard McDonalds were bad to work for :tongue: