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Suspended because of twitter...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, May 23, 2013.

  1. Did someone mention cyclist :-/
  2. racing on the road, or training to race on the road.........even the professionals do it, surely they wouldnt get it wrong..
  3. type in haste, repent at leisure

    # whereismyradgrill # imoffforacrap
  4. Helmet undone, no gloves, shorts AND shoe covers...........great example of how not to ride safely!
  5. haha
    its a sportive and I had just passed the 80 mile mark after approx 7000 feet of climbing on a scorching hot day that started off raining

    google maps "THE RYALS"
    you struggle to walk up them - so steep

    see what state you'd be in if you cycled 108 miles in just over 5 hours

    nob jockey :)
    being dressed safely has nothing to do with riding safely
    #45 Phill, May 24, 2013
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
  6. It effing well is when you get knocked off by some t*t
  7. I must email brad and mark
    tell them to wear a dayglo CE jackets and hob nail boots for the tour de france

  8. Elf and Safety, phill....its coming your way....
  9. I'm more concerned about the state of Phill's soapbox. That's seen some hard use, that has.

    Give him a safety line in case he falls off.
  10. lol

    believe you me. I was fucked at that point and climbing a 1 in 15 hill for a mile after a torturous 80 mile to that point. that fookin annoying chin strap was cutting into my neck and with sweating was chaffing.
    my sunglasses were annoying me with sweat dropping onto the lens. my gloves were pissing me off as my hands were sweating...

    then to top it off a fucking event photographer jumps out and starts snapping away.....still at that point only anotber 24 miles to go :banghead:
  11. Stop, Phill, stop. I'm bawling my eyes out here!
  12. dont even mention my fucking feet with the bad weather booties on..

    they were sweating more than my bollox
    but all my back pockets were full of food sunglasses innertubes and gloves. ..

    the only option would be to lob them...but that would be wrong...they cost 40 quid you know
  13. Wait wait wait. I'll just go get my care face ...

    Oh, that's right. I don't have one!
  14. dont even get me started on care faces...

    thats exactly the same response I got from 'err indoors
  15. I can't imagine being able to get you started on anything, Phill.
  16. dont get me started on getting started
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