Yes its up and running fine thanks Jez, check valves were the problem. A good old boy from Sheffield sent a set of springs and balls for the valves FOC. Its all free stuff these days, stripped each valve and found the the springs which are minute have a closed end two of mine were reversed leaving the ball loose to rattle around in the valve. Hand primed the lines fitted a new air filter element runs a treat.
How does it ride? Have you hit the "ton" yet? LOL. Drum brakes are something quite extraordinary after front discs, but the smell of the 2T makes it all worthwhile.
It pulls very well and some, little bit spongy on the front end plus i have a ribbed pattern tyre (new) so i ain't going to earhole it anytime Jez. They are just awesome little bikes can't understand why i didn't entertain one years ago.
A lot quicker than you’d think aren’t they, lighter and more powerful than all of their contemporaries, loved mine but sold it before I blew it up
Had a TS90 in 1974 and my mate turned up with a Kawa250 triple. That blew my mind (like a lot of stuff in the mid '70s!) with its moped-til-6000-then-ballistic performance. My other mate's YamRD200 was tame in comparison. Hazy spunk-fuelled teenage days, eh...
For anyone tempted... Or already on the road
Straight after my mate turned up with the Hustler, I bought a GT 250M. I didn't think it was as fast as the Hustler, so I traded it in for a KH400. It was green, but it was no meanie. The tuned GT550 triple I chopped it in was quick, but had an appetite for piston rings.
Yeah the girls drove us mad, our bikes cost every penny we had, and the beer made us puke. Fantastic! LOL
That’s frighteningly accurate , I’m 58 on Wednesday and the priorities have changed, beer has gone, mugs game, girls (over 30) I still find interesting but they seem to have lost interest in me?, but glad to report that it’s now bikes, bikes, bikes !
Much the same Mark apart from the age thing, within a year i have gone completely tea total and non- smoker and that's after 50+ yrs of abuse, loving it i think. Bikes now that's one addiction i won't give up.