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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, May 26, 2012.


Should we filter out swearing

Poll closed Jun 25, 2012.
  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    61 vote(s)
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  1. And just why are Ducati owners in a class above?
  2. I havent seen anything as yet on the forum that would warrant a swear filter.
  3. I'm opposed to censorship on principle, so no. Sometimes there are really compelling reasons for censorship (e.g. national security, child pornography) strong enough to override the basic principle. None of those reasons arise here. The idea of imposing consorship of people's mere words for no good reason is highly offensive and objectionable.
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  4. If you can't express your views without resorting to profanity then you reduce the perceived validity of those views.
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  5. There's only one word I find offensive in print, as Chris has ably demonstrated, but even then I've been known to use it in conversation. So to request it's censorship would be churlish. The forum ain't broke, no need to fix it.
  6. +1 Exactly what Imola said

    If someone is being abusive to an individual....then fix it!

    Please don't censor us.....we're not in China.....yet!
  7. There's nowt wrong with a good ole fashioned four lettered expletive in the right context. We are, after all, descended from anglo saxon stock, which isn't a defence in itself.

    The law can arrest you for foul and offensive language.

    A good lawyer will argue. There is no such thing as poor language, just poor use of good.

    Guilty as charged.
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  8. I have used up all my grammar school extensive vocabulary several times over, so I am now entitled to effin well swear.......

    ......and I can wear what I like and forget who I am every so often........and tell unwanted phone callers to eff off.

    But if no swearing is allowed it will still be got round.....unless asterisks are filtered out.

    However, I would rather see asterisks etc etc, rather than the real word spelled out.

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  9. Bloody Nora 
    Found nothing on here to offend me.
    The only word I have a problem with is the C word I find that a horrible word.
    I took an breath intake seeing it written down.

    My son said the c word to my daughter she is 9 and she said mummy (innocent voice) what does C mean Harry just said it
    Gulp I did explain easily but was not impressed I can tell you 
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  10. So I best not ask you if you fancy a coffee then Viv......tea it is:wink:
  11. Anth lol coffee is fine 
    Thanks for the offer 
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  12. Really can't let you get away with that one unchallenged.

    Everything I say is always "profane" - well it certainly isn't "sacred" - so what is wrong with that? And your sneer about "reduced validity" is a mere assertion based on nothing at all. Anyone's posts may or may not be persuasive, or interesting, but their validity depends on their meaning, not whether they include usage from somebody's special arbitrary list of naughty words.

    Whenever we are talking to our bosses/children/customers we may need to use an artificially limited vocabulary, but surely we are all grown-ups and volunteers on this forum so we can use the full English dictionary with freedom. If someone finds they are shocked by a certain word, the solution is for them to analyse why they are shocked and try to resolve their own psychological flaw.

    It seems the sanctimonious prigs who want to censor others' words for no reason are in a small minority, for which I am thankful.
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  13. Hey Pete,

    I think I like what your saying....but I'll just finish eating this dictionary, study philosophy for a few years and ask my solicitor if it's ok to comment. :upyeah:
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  14. Where's Mary bloody Whitehouse when you need her???
  15. By the very nature of the site we must all be adults to be riding bikes, therefore I see no problem with swearing, especially in appropriate circumstances. I do not like the C word, but there are times when I will be truly furious at someone and in the privacy of my own private world on the bike even I will use it, not that I think I would use it in relaying a situation here. I spend many hours explaining to my boys (11 and 12) who hear all sorts of language in the playground at school, that if you can use it appropriately and justify your use of it, then there is no problem. I must add that anyone who knows me would know that if I am angered I can truly turn the air blue.
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  16. IMHO swearing has become too common in language. It can be occasionally used to great effect and emphasise in spoken conversation, but I see little point in the written language except to debase and lower the intelligentual tone of the writer/speaker. That being said, one hopes we can self-regulate ourselves by exercising self-control over our keyboard fingers without resorting to Orwellian censorship controls administered by a computer.
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  17. Whilst we are not letting things go unchallenged....

    To accuse me of Sneering and then misquote me weakens your argument somewhat, I referred to "perceived validity" which is to say how other people interpret your words not the validity of those words themselves and a reasoned argument made without resorting will carry more weight than a stream of invective, regular casual swearing reduces the effectiveness when it is actually called for, to dismiss this as mere assertion when even the most cursory google search will bring up peer reviewed papers on linguistics and use of language such as Swearing, Euphemisms, and Linguistic Relativity seems to be at least as equally sneering.

    Your suggestion that we can use the full english dictionary and to link this to a psychological flaw in the listener is at best a straw man argument, no one is suggesting anyone of us cannot use the full english dictionary, in fact I will suggest that by not swearing we actually increase the lexicon of our language. George Orwell introduced the concept of "newspeak" in 1984 which was a manufactured language with deliberately limited vocabulary designed to reduce the ability of the proles to express concepts and so control the masses. Here's a link that argues something very similar (Blog, not peer reviewed paper this time I'm afraid, but the concept is valid)linky
    I particularly like the paragraph that says

    You return to your fantasy that I or others in some way want to censor your words by expressing a preference for not swearing when this is the exact opposite of what I would like to see happen, I would hope that by not swearing we increase the vocabulary in use and find better and more illustrative ways of making the same point. Censorship would be arbitrary deletion of posts for swearing, what I would hope for is self restraint.
    I am interested by your choice of description for anyone that disagrees with you as "sanctimonious prigs" and feel that in a way it makes my point quite eloquently that you choose to use a slightly archaic but descriptive term rather than something more anglo saxon.
  18. People swear, ain't nothing gonna change that fact. I come from a construction background, where swearing is as natural as breathing (but I still can't swear in front of my mum...). But my language pales in comparison to any London office, where even the girls swear to an extent that would make a stout man blush. It's part of life, embrace it. But please don't type it, it looks far worse in print.
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  19. "Perceived Validity". Sometimes you/me/anyone just needs to say "Fuck It".

    To quote Orwell as an argument for not swearing just smacks of pseudo-elitist, middlebrow, neocon twoddle.

    As I am sure you are aware Orwell was alluding/eluding to control of the state by "Big Brother" via brainwashing.

    The real world is generally not polite, gentile or forgiving. It is harsh, cruel and judgmental.

    I for one will continue to use whatever anglo saxon language I choose to use with free abandon when and where I choose.

    A Prole.
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  20. Some folks swear because they lack the imagination or vocabulary to do otherwise.
    Other folks mistake swearing for a lack of imagination on the part of the one swearing.
    The two, swearing and lack of imagination, are not the same thing. I will continue to use my excellent imagination, my even better vocabulary and my exquisite choice of when and how to swear, with or without anyone else's approval.
    I trust that's OK with everyone. :upyeah:
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