Swing arm engine bolt...............

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Daisy Duke, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. I wouldn't bother with threading the brass, as this will put force into the thread when you hit the drift. Either damaging the spindle or getting the brass adaptor stuck in the spindle, or both.
  2. OK, just need to make a new end then and have another go..................
  3. Have you soaked it with Plus Gas, or similar?
  4. I would see if you can get it made from phosphor bronze. I don't think the brass end will be up to the task of taking sledge hammer blows.
  5. Yes, every week it has been sitting, I have given it a dose of penetrating oil spray into every place that looks like it would lead into the shaft somewhere..........
    Will see if I have some phos, didn't have it first time around in a piece small enough. All large pre-bored bush.
    #25 Daisy Duke, Feb 22, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  6. sorry for harping on but rost off is amazing stuff.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Indeed, but don't have any in stock............. sorted now though possibly........... have to go and play with a lathe for a while. :upyeah:
  8. cool cool.
  9. Save your time and effort and cut the damn thing off...

    I know, it feels like losing, and I tried all sorts before I admitted defeat but there comes a time when you just have to accept that it's in there forever!
    i don't know what it is but somehow the bushes chemically bond themselves to the shaft, I have one here cut into 3 pieces and still can't remove the outer bush from the shaft!
    At first I thought that the harder I hit the more the frame flexed and the tighter it gripped, but no. Plus with the amount of force I was using I was petrified of damaging a £350 frame at the expense of a £20 bolt.

    You sound like you have access to cutting tools and know how to use them, it will be much easier to order the bolt and a couple of bushes than it will to try and get it out in one piece
  10. Well............ will give it one more go, new design end made, phosphor bronze, 19.90 dia and square bashing face.


    If that doesn't work, I have a Dremel, a Bosch ultrasonic cutter, A Worx mini cutter, a CP reciprocating pneumatic saw, a 4" grinder, a 4 1/2" grinder in both mains and 18V flavours, and two 9" grinders, a "metal" one and a "dirty" one for concrete.......... should be able to find a "removal solution" in that lot somewhere..........:biggrin: :rolleyes:

    #30 Daisy Duke, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Get the oxy-acetylene out :cool:
  12. Insurance says NO............... :mad: Acetylene not allowed any more, something to do with a 2000m exclusion zone if there is a fire, have to use Oxy-propane, just not the same.............
  13. This is what you need dimensions wise, sorry I was a bit slow on getting it. Thanks to Shazaam on Ducati.ms

    Ok that is a bit hard to read so dimensions are 13.5mm for the tip with a length of 14.73mm with square end(not sure if this is important) and 19.43mm for the shaft. This is what I had made out of aluminium and it worked perfectly.

    Just had another look at Brians pics and there is a difference in his measurements. The first shows 19.435mm as opposed to the second at 19.96mm. The first is consistent with Shazaams 19.43mm so may be another trip to Noel because you don't want to end up with your tool stuck! No pun intended lol.

    #33 Bront, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  14. OK, easy to skim a bit off it in the lathe myself, he does all the bigger stuff for me and I do all the fiddly stuff and welding for him. Won't get my tool out until the weekend though...................... :biggrin:
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  15. A big fat hairy FAIL.......................... :mad: Not a mission...................
  16. I have had to cut 2 of these pivots in the past.
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