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T Shirt And Shorts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. I had to cringe today when I saw a sports bike go past with the pillion,a young girl,wearing an all in one skimpy shorts and tee shirt and flip flops.
    In my mind the rider of the bike was a complete t+++er allowing her to ride like that.It was only a few hours earlier that I had seen a photo of what happened to a pretty young girl who came off a bike when she wasn't wearing riding gear.
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  2. It never ends...
  3. and why should it bother you? we are perfectly within our rights to think someone is a prat for any reason we can think of, just because there are several people on here that have a different opinion to you doesn't mean you should get upset about it. let it wash over you and keep on doing what you feel like.

    Personally i won't ride a bike without decent gear on, i had a big accident on a hot day and the fact that we were wearing good gear saved mine and the wifes skin. Its my choice and i stand by it, after my experience i know that in the same accident if i had binned off the jacket (like i was thinking of doing) i would have had serious gravel rash so when i see people riding without gear on it makes me cringe. i'm entitled to my opinion and just because its hot its not going to change.

    if you want to ride in a thong and a smile then crack on, just don't expect me to join in...
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  4. We all have to make our own decisions and today I chose to throw my flip flops in the top box and wear trainers to avoid damaging my toes changing gear then change footwear when we parked up. Unfortunately there isn't room in the box for everything so I wore shorts and a t-shirt ensuring I had room to put my crash helmet in there with my trainers.

    It was bastard hot though and if I'd had to wander around in full bike kit I'd have suffered from heat stroke so it was the lesser of two evils.
  5. I just think that riding around in full kit in this weather makes you a bit stinky !........... Pooh..eee
  6. The best way to tell if a decision is good or not is to imagine yourself having to live with the worst outcome and seeing if you still think you made the right choice. Who here honestly thinks that if they'd had an accident and lost a load of skin that wearing inappropriate clothing would still have been the right choice?
  7. Like others I have seen dozens of Scooter and Bike riders in completely inappropriate clothing, but it's only legal to wear a helmet so it's their choice.

    My choice is to sweat my gonads off and wear proper clothing, but I am 48 with a family and the benefit of hindsight as I was a first class twat when I was young, (Mrs CF still thinks I am now) however secretly I do have the urge for a midnight blast in shorts, deck shoes and a T-shirt, so who am I to judge.:upyeah:
  8. So is not wearing protective clothing personal freedom or natural selection?
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  9. Yes.
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  10. Mac - I hate to see myself siding with Fig on this issue, but if you pursue your argument to its logical conclusion none of us would ride bikes at all - we'd all be driving Volvos instead. It's a question of risk managment - I don't think anyone on here would argue that there is always an element of danger involved in riding motorcycles. It's how you choose to mitigate that danger that is important. Some choose to do so by wearing (as they see it) appropriate clothing. Others choose to do it by trusting in their own ability to avoid accidents... Only you can decide what's right for you.
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  11. That's rubbish. Only David Cameron can decide what's right for us.

    BTW -
    Anyone else gotten a grant from the Government for your cotton-wool cladding? I'm still waiting for my delivery and I won't feel safe until it arrives.

    (Wait - what if I should accidentally inhale the cotton wool ... that's a choking hazard ... HELP!)
  12. I have to say this has become one of the better threads of the year. Almost as good as the Thatcher or Saville threads. Very entertaining/informative.

    Now here's my 2ps worth. In this hot hot weather it makes a lot of sense to cut back on the level of protection that you wear. Dehydration is just as dangerous to a rider as the blind Mondeo driver and this is the reason why the Italian coppers ride in shirts, open face helmets and jodhpurs. Ultimately it all comes down to personal choice. Everybody who has posted in this thread has expressed their feelings. There are those (like me) who feel much safer/happier wearing the full gambit of protecive kit. no matter how hot we get. I wear base/pro layers and then get washed...alot. There are also those who are happy to ride around feeling comfortable in jeans etc. Good for them I say. I have no right whatsoever to claim that my way is better that yours and I wouldnt expect anybody to tell me what to wear. Sometime I do see riders (old and young) riding inappriopriately to the conditions, diving through traffic, filtering at speed for example (London is very good for this) and I hope hat nothing happens
    When it comes down to it it's my choice, my bike, my life. Live how you want to live, be the person you want to be :upyeah:
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  13. I sort of agree, but the logic holds imho:

    Had an accident whilst wearing t-shirts and shorts - would I do it again? No.
    Had an accident after riding a bike - would I do it again? As long as I was still physically able to, yes.
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  14. Well, for the first time in my 25 years of riding I've just been 6 miles ( round the block ) in shorts and T shirts .. Why ? because I was bloody hot and I've not given the SS a run for about 6 weeks. Would I do it again, probably not. Did I enjoy it..yes, immensely.

    It's no excuse I know ...... it was just a sudden moment of madness, I blame the heat.
  15. What is the point of all these photo's ?

    Propaganda crap......................I'v had worse carpet burns than that. :cool:
  16. Funny enough I was just about to ask that.

    Those that have had it know how it looks and feels, and I'd imagine those that haven't don't want to know. If they're being put up for shock factor... 1/10, must try harder.
  17. It's gonna be OK mate. You're safe now. :wink:
    #198 clueless, Jul 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2013
  18. What were you thinking of tricolore..?:mad:

    Don't you know how easy it is for a gang of gravelrashes to pull you off your bike when you're not wearing your batfink outfit...
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  19. As i said before you make your decisions and i will make mine.

    I don't really give a monkey's how anyone else ends up. Its their body and their choice. And its my body and i choose to wear a reasonable amount of protection even when its hot.

    But i do know i can't afford to take 3+ months off work just because i came off a bike whilst wearing t shirt and shorts.

    Of course its a great feeling riding like that. Anyone who hasn't had a quick run like that needs to try it at least the once.

    But it doesn't disguise the fact that IF you come off, you will do yourself some serious damage.
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