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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Major, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Yes but 5MP so no good, with space inside it should have been 16MP minimum like on one of HTC phones.
  2. As a sofa surfer, the iPad's great. From nothing 3 yrs ago I've ended up with tons of apple kit (and some windows and a smattering of linux) and really rate it. I still love my 'retro' first gen iPad. I've never felt the need to upgrade, who needs a camera on a device that size?
    Don't skimp on storage though, especially if you go for a 2nd or 3rd gen iPad.
  3. Well I did it emptied my wallet and bought myself an iPad 3 and I'm well happy :upyeah:
  4. As long as you're happy that's the main thing.

    I have the iPad2 (using it now) but I couldn't justify the price of upgrading when the 3 was launched. There just wasn't enough of a difference for the price.
  5. That was the conclusion I came to, having done all my research. Not worth upgrading to but, if like me you are an iPad virgin you may as well get the 3.
  6. Or you could have bought the all singing and dancing Ipad2 and saved a few quid too :wink:
  7. Nah, who wants to save money? Enjoy it whilst you're here, that's what I say :wink:
  8. Would you adopt me please? I'll call you dad and everything :smile:
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