In the end I did not go to Duke's PAss due to the weather. I did go round the Moffat loop. I started taking it easy -Touring mode and <5k revs. Once past Moffat and on the B road to St Mary's loch the switch to Sport mode/twist the wrist was irresistible. Still kept generally under 6k. The fuel light never came on even though I'd used 13l of fuel. Does everyone agree that I should have got over 10m/l or do I have to ride at a touring pace to get decent mpg?
10 mile/litre is 45.5 mpg. At his time of year, with temperatures up here last weekend around 5º - 8ºC you might be struggling to get that, even at a touring pace.
Yes, the temperature makes a big difference. At this time of year mine only makes low 40's at best. In the summer it can achieve low 50's. Which is pretty terrible compared with my previous ST4s which, on a trip to Italy and back managed 67 mpg.
My older twinspark would come on (as said above) between 120 and 150. If I was doing 90-100 cruising with panniers it would be on by 100. If I was hooning it (up and down the box, using most of the revs) I'd still get over 100 easy enough. If sat at 80-90 easily do 150. Interesting I don't think I ever stuck over 17l in it