I use tapatalk when I have signal too. What it offers me is app notifications to responses to subscribed threads, quote notifications and things like that. I don't want emails filling my inbox with this information, tapatalk notifications are perfect for this. Also, it's easier to find things on a fidly small phone. Perhaps you should give it a try yourself. I much prefer using tapatalk to post when I'm away from my computer and I probably wouldn't post if I had to to go through the hassle of loading the home page, loading the forum, finding the threads blah blah.I can just open tapatalk and it's good to go right where I left it.
This is too hard to use on my phone what I use 100% of the time. If no tapa talk - byeeéee all its been emotional
I'm a Tapatalk user, much prefer it though when a forum supports mobile/tablet devices natively through responsive web design. This is forum is looking good on my pad/tablet, well done
I followed a van on Friday which hit the kerb three times, so he was probably checking Twitbook on his phone, then when I stopped at a set of traffic lights the blond nit wit behind me nearly ended up hitting me up up the arse because she was looking down at her phone.
Agreed - works well on my BlackBerry Z10, just as easy as TapaTalk in my view... and much faster than the previous forum Liking it!