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Tattoos and piercings

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cooknick, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Same machine same airport.....even the same watch.

    The random beep isn't me taking the p*ss, it is true, after the a long time of the same routine the security people actually do demonstrate some human qualities and have a bit of craic with you, it was in one of those human moments that he told us of the 'random'
  2. Nothing wrong with being a random
  3. Till you hear the twang of the nitrile gloves that is! :eek:
  4. Oooo :-O
  5. or near her ...........:biggrin:....................................ring ...........................
  6. absolutely love emms vch ..............................:cool:
  7. So do I :smile:
  8. Lol ..... Cheers for looking after my girly today mate
  9. She doesn't need that much looking after. She's a good rider :smile:
  10. Aww thanks Tel, was a good ride shame about the fog though! I've really gelled with the RVF it was made for me!
  11. i never used to stand next to my mate in the urinals..his prince albert would spray pish everywhere, like a broken shower head...personaly id never butcher my hemet like that...my old fella gets enough abuse as it is without me driving a stake through his eye.
    i had my tongue pierced about 12 years ago..now that fkn hurt...i took the bar out later that evening and it closed up so had to return in the morning and have ot redone, which was even worse as my tongue was bruised. Everyone ive ever spoken to whose had a tongue piercing says that they had anaesthetic....my bloke just pierced it with a conical shaped canular...fekk me was it painful. The buddy i went with fainted!! must admit, i was a bit light headed myself.
    I dont wear it very often but i can still fit the bar with a little bit of jiggery pokery..handy, coz it means i can charge my clients an extra 10%.
    I did my ears myself when i was about 16. Ive only got one tatt (at the moment)..had it done in Hawaii when i was travelling years ago. My mates got 'wendy' tattoed on his schlong...when he's got a chubby one it reads, 'welcome to barbados have a nice day'.
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  12. That's why I treat myself to a sit down pee!
  13. Ta da!!! I got 2 wanted 3 but veins in the way ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351117889.381015.jpg

  14. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351118037.888382.jpg 2 tongue studs fitted with vibrating studs .
    1 labret and one Madogna . 2 nose rings .... If I take out my tongue studs and labret I hate it!!! Doesn't feel right.
    I've had my labret for 19 years.
    Tongue for 5 nose for 25 it was pierced 6 times 3 rings each side up until 8 years ago .
    I don't wear earrings now.
    The thing that hurt the most . ... Having ears pierced!

  15. Can I just say that (from my pov at least) a tongue piercing makes no difference at all :smile:
  16. I had them done for me :)
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  17. You must be tremendously limber, HC! :upyeah:
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  18. Meh.
    Ironmongery doesn't float my particular boat.
    But the best thing about life is that there is something for everyone!
  19. Woop Woop I managed to get my VCH back in !!!! :) but Archer did have to put the ball back on for me cos my belly was getting in the way :-(
  20. And how did it take before he got side tracked? :wink:
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