I am on a part time contract 20 hours at £10 ph and pay taxes, and work 'overtime' of 20 at £40 ph and dont pay taxes. Is that what you mean?
No. That's two part time jobs. I'm talking about a full-time job and then any accessory work you do, you wouldn't pay tax on it. But let's be clear - I doubt such a scheme could be administered.
great idea i do remember getting paid overtime and balking at the tax i was paying.. but it would only result in higher tax for others.isnt that why its time and a half?
Some Drs and consultants dont work full time, and who says what is full time...one person its 34.5hrs, another its 60
Funny that the big houses in my town are filled with medical people while the terraced houses have the plumbers..
Aren't plumbers and doctors more or less the same anyway? I mean, both have to deal with pretty filthy pipe layouts and faulty waterworks............
But Doctors repairee's also tell them what's wrong, plus the human body hasn't changed for 100's of thousands of years, so how come they charge so much?
Call a plumber out in the middle of the night and you will be charged a lot more than during the day. Same with a vet. I bet the RAC mechanics get paid more for night shifts than day shifts.
Nope. Annualised hours contracts for most people who do these kind of roles...flat rate regardless of hours on shift...which they pay full tax on and its not normally 40%
Ah man, 75k a year just isn't enough for my job. If they want me to work when I can't be bothered then they need to pay me double or it just isn't worth my time. This attitude enrages me. Greed, greed, greed, greed, greed, more, more, more, more, more, mustbuymustbuymustbuymustbuy aaaaargghhh!!!! You do realise that there are 19 year old 'men' in the UK perhaps blinded, with traumatically amputated legs and arms, maybe deaf with a very challenging future ahead. They gave up the option of a comfortable life in exchange for around £15k a year and they never complain about how much they get paid, or that they haven't had a shower for 6 weeks or that they get shot at every day. You utter, utter greedy bastards. I do a lot of my work at night. BECAUSE THAT IS WHEN MY JOB NEEDS TO BE DONE. I don't expect to get paid more for it!
so how much does someone in the military on the same skill level as a doctor get paid....I bet its more than 15k a year.
I suspect that it is, but they're not on a Ducati forum suggesting that they should get paid more for doing their job at a time they don't like when they already get paid a high amount. They're out here working nights and giving up their personal freedom so that others might live without complaining about hours, pay or conditions. Mr Farmer has pushed my button with his initial idea and it makes me angry that individuals can forget how lucky they already are.
you have a point but was he not complaining as im sure most of us do from time to time about the amount of tax hes having to pay.