it would only take one team to walk off the field in the middle of a game unfortunately I doubt that any have the balls to do it
I am sure Mrs Bradders would be marching him up to a&e for a cast on the other arm !! and hiding all the long implements in the house that could be used for scratching!
Actually I've preempted that; check my request for the water shield as a splint....if Mrs B caught me I'd be needing that and a few other things lol
Yes one team to set an example would be enough. it certainly wouldn't be our lot who walk off ... Its not tolerated here so why should teams put up with it anywhere else il shut up about footy now as I know it's not popular here .I had to watch tennis today... I didn't want to :good grief those chaps grunt like porkers !!! What a row lol
Ok I was trying not to but I have to. Sorry but that panorama thing on BBC that showed Poland and Ukraine as they did well take it with a bit of distance. In Poland those "hooligans" do not give a toss about football or Euro all they want is to fight each other. As such they abuse other team in any way they can. I can tell you this Police does deal with them but just like in UK most of idiots like that come back on the streets. However that is not what pissed me off the most. I can live with that as it was kind off to very correct (depending which part). What did get me fuming was comments from former UK captain and general comments from other people. So we had World cup in South Africa. Do not recall anything being said about clan cleansing there, about murders of white farmers, general lawlessness and corruption. There was no attempt to boycott anything. Now why is that, is it because South Africa was part of British colonies at one stage? If anything BBC and that former English captain should apologise. I am quite expecting football riot attempts in Poland or Ukraine. However that will be fun to watch as it will show UK police how to deal with riots in matter of hours He
Your right .... And yes these idiots will latch onto anything just to kick off .. We have had it here in the past too. I hope the police deal with them .., Oh just to say I was raised by my step dad and by his family they are Polish I would say the same for any country where there was a problem. My Dad came here and worked his arse off too look after us. Well at least the Jubilee went ok without a terrorist problem or major disruption . Not that I'm fussed to much about the Olympics but hopefully that goes smoothly..
I was just watching Punk Britania and it had scenes of the Silver Jubilee it was as I recalled it. Was a real big thing! Maybe it helped that it did not lash down with rain Like people have said we tried for this one but we didn't quite get that vibe and organisation of the Silver Jubilee . but I think that's down to society changes. Also call me stupid but I don't even remember the Golden Jubilee??
Plus one to that He11cat. I have to say I hope that the footy teams have the strength of character to walk off if there is a racist problem, and that the authorities that the strength to re-schedule without paying fans. Or should I say baying fans?
It's always amusing to see just how the "problems" associated with the host country of a sporting event surface a couple of weeks before the event kicks off. It was only a couple of weeks before the last Olympics that everyone seemed to discover that China had invaded Tibet. No one ever has any problem with the host country 8 years or more beforehand when they hand out the privilege of hosting the event. I'd never heard of Polish football hooliganism until last week. Qatar is going to be interesting for the World Cup. Bet there's a pile of stuff to "discover" just before the event kicks off. I wonder what is going to be discovered about the UK in the foreign media a fortnight before the Olympics happens. Should be showing up in about a month's time.
The problems with Qatar started floating to the surface within hours of them being awarded the World Cup, starting with the allegedly corrupt manner in which they won the bid, going through human and civil rights involving human trafficking and forced labour amongst other concerns. [URL][/url]
Qatar are oil rich and and the West don't want to annoy them, therefore there will be much less of the digging than done to a small relatively insignificant pair of countries such as Poland and the Ukraine. This is not me having a go a Poland or the Ukraine, it is just me pointing out that money talks every time, oh yes, that is how they got the tournament in the first place.