Be careful at the point when she's pupping it out. No matter what you agreed on name wise, just as the baby is laid on her chest, they often forget the agreed name and emotions take over. Next thing you know Florence becomes tallulah trixible Hermione kardashian and Hayden suddenly becomes Harry syrius bmw black
well im raising a glass anyway... dont worry though, i shall raise another when the time finaly comes.. this isnt going to take as long as @Sinister 's paint job is it?
Doctors have put off the c section and still trying for the natural way again but more time required.
Well, if they go C section, juts don't look UP when they pull the cover up: the listing is shiny and reflective
Well everyone little Emma arrived this morning at 9.00. Mum very tired and bruised but ok, baby ok 7.3 lbs and is doing well already. I'll post some pics when she's a bit cleaner. Thank you everyone for your support. Xx