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the 'Anyone going to Boxhill today?' thread

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Well as it is always same destinations or stupid o clock meet times I need a brake hence hiding. On my time off I like to feel like I am off not like in army get up 5am sharp :)

    BTW I done 14k miles since December so was not hiding well enough.
  2. Loads of Indians, Germans, Pakistani, Russians or French have British passport they are still foreigners.

    Makes me wonder what would one have to do, bar being born here to actually cross the line in to Britishness..... No Vince you not there yet to much Italian in you :)
  3. Lucas, I was born here, British passport and British father, I think I am more Brit than the locals :)
  4. Well you eat pasta and pizza and I bet you know actual names for all those pastas that are apparently different. Italian. ;) Well most of the places in London if you are 50% brit it is more then locals hehe
  5. Luca you can be British, however one will never be English my colonial friend lol
  6. I have British parents, was born in the USA and have dual nationality and two passports. Oh, and a Qatari driving license and residency status.

    Please inform me where I can fuck off back to because I'm confused.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. But Lucas, you have no understanding of Engrish Laugrange.:p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. We were never your colony you are reaching to far there ;)
    I have more of it then you of Niż ty Polskiego języka for example: W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w czcinie i Szczebrzeszyn z tego słynie.

  9. Loz your ok as the USA speak English

    And If someone can translate Luca's lAst comment I'd be appreciated....
  10. USA speaks half English half middle earth to be honest.... And a little bit of Irish.
  11. Oh thats easy, we will just pack you off to Scotland then grant em independance :D
  12. That was just an easy few words there Satzoomer. :cool:
  13. My experience of Lucazade is he speaks mainly Anglo Saxon
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Luca is an alright guy :)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Come to think of it we can send Luca to join you just so as you have company and we dont have to listen to his whigning :upyeah:
  16. And all us Brits are mongrels anyway, bits of Viking, Roman etc.

    Apart from me.
  17. Well if it helps my dad was born in a caravan so that makes me half a

    C aravaning
    U tilising
    N omadic
    T raveller
  18. Hmmmmm a tad bit rude me thinks trust you to lower the tone
  19. Bloody gorgers.
  20. Well Scottish food is good and roads are nice so sounds like a plan.

    Coming weekend we are to have 20C if it is roughly correct I will try and pop in to whign in person.
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