Anyone out today???? If not then I am as I have to test my new Furygan textile jacket to see if it is any good. A blast down to Loomies might be in order of the day. Even though my heated grips are knackered!!
Whoa postman just dropped of my new oxford controller for my heated grips...... I shall have warm hands today!!!! Life doesn't get any better than this..... bliss man
I think you fib mate, coming up the A24 this morning at 8;15 and it was raining, well drizzle and the roads were soaked. You need to step outside the house and take a look.
Severe flooding down here - rain only stopped half an hour ago.... some main roads wall to wall water. Watch out if you come down south......
Well is was cold, new jacket worked a treat though and lovely to get my heated grips working. Roll on sunday!!
bit personal is it not? about 6", it went as quickly as it came but back again today, if it aint snowing its blowing like a good un.