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the 'Anyone going to Boxhill today?' thread

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Glad you're almost there, Chris.

    Oh, apologies for the off-topic. I won't be a Box tonight.
    There, that's better.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. For the record, and after the latest discussions and wrist-slapping on the Forum today :- as the O.P. of this thread I am more than happy for anyone to talk about anything unconnected with Boxhill or travelling there. I've said it before as long as no-one is hurt/gets upset then it's fine by me.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Is that not just trolling Loz? Continually bringing u non related content with heavy sarcastic tone? Not having dig, it's a new phenomenon to me. Just learning the boundaries
  4. It's meant as a tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement, a peace-offering if you will, that some people are upset by the way others, including me, post. It's a dry attempt at pointing out that just because a post is "on topic" it doesn't add value to the forum. And it's for the amusement of those posters who are able to enjoy the forum without getting upset by how others choose to post.

    I'm sorry it came across as just sarcastic, it was meant to be that and much more besides. It was not meant maliciously.

    Besides, how likely is it that someone who dislikes off-topic posting or my posts, or both, is going to read it?
  5. I did try to qualify it wasnt a dig...like I say trolling is not something that comes easy fo me. As you know, if someone is being a wanker I'll just as happily tell them to their face as on some virtual keyboard. Now my mate who's pbeen banned....he's excellent at it ;)
  6. Spot the fact I'm on ipad NOT tapatalk now!
    • Like Like x 1
  7. I know Paul, I know what your real digs are like :)

  8. You didn't tell me that I irritate you :(
  9. Am I still ok to contribute I understand if you want me to keep away
  10. What are you on about?! If you irritated me, I'd tell you :upyeah: its not for me to tell anyone not to do something, nor am I in any position to throw stones
    • Like Like x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  11. Do we know who the Troll is?
  12. Anyone up at Box this evening ?
  13. Yep he lives under the bridge and stops goats from crossing it :)
  14. Anyone up at Box this evening ?

    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Pretty much spot on mate


    • Funny Funny x 3
  16. Anyone out for a ride tomorrow?
    Saturday morning looks like the best of a bad lot.

    Testing my new monobloc front brakes tomorrow.
    #5736 AirCon, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2015
  17. Generally still sunny on the south coast if anyone's out riding.
  18. just finishing chain fit - are you out Phil?
  19. Nice ride out today. Newlands followed by Whiteways at Bury Hill. Bit windy up there, but isn't always.
    Managed to rattle a bolt out on something that we've not even undone yet!.
    M4 Monoblocs are a great upgrade, albeit an arse to fit.
    Did the ABS bleed nipples at the same time and fitted the Samco hose kit.
    Next is ....I don't know...probably chain and sprockets.
    #5739 AirCon, Apr 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2015
  20. Sorry Chris late reply. No I wasn't out today. Got dragged out shopping today. Rain closed in around 5pm when I was geared up to go out. :(
    I'm out tomorrow tho. R u about?
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