I have spent today celebrating the birth of someone who had a huge impact on how we view the world and enlightened us with his wisdom: Sir Isaac Newton.
Was thinking of a sneaky ride to Newlands tomorrow. Reasonable chance of it not being flooded. Counts place would be ok, but not knowing where it is, likely hood of me turning up is minimal ATM.
Bit difficult for me, have my kids for Xmas this year so not leaving them for a bike thing tomorrow. Would have nipped to Box Hill but Newlands is further away.
If anyone does want a run out to my place I can provide suitable tinsel-covered food and drink. IM me for an address. Stuart already did. Mid morning
Last I heard Chris was 'stepping outside' in an effort to set up a YouTube account so he could share the video you chaps took. He could be gone for some time...
That was the funniest Ducati meet in a long time! We ended up in a pub, muddy and soaking. I told the barman that we were claiming our free drink as we'd made it all the way to the pub !
rascal - you know the truth and lucky 'we' all missed any video footage allthough the spoils from Youtube may have been a sixpence or two