Don't think I'll get out this weekend, my grand Cherokee has started making a weird noise I've never heard before will be trying to track that down
nice bracing ride with Stuart up/down? to Slindon back to Bury and then parted company at Adversane coming back - some back roads treacherous but all fun.
i nearly stopped for a Kebab at Dunsfold S, but realised that my hands would probably stop working afterwards so ploughed on and have done oven Pizza instead.:smileys:
How about a meetup at Newhaven Fort café? 1pm. Anyone welcome. Great views & weather will be good. £6 (approx entry fee though). Postcode: BN9 9DS.
I got errands to do as well so maybe Sunday is a better day to go out. Saying that weather is bit worse, allegedly snow.
I'll be stopping off as I go through Lewes tomorrow on the way to the Fort. Was last there on the HM accompanied by Debs on her HS
I'll probably end up there tomorrow anyway at 1pm. They have a few classic car shows on inside the Fort so I'll try & get dates for those.