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the 'Anyone going to Boxhill today?' thread

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. but this was the best stand bar none


    Hope they managed to sell loads of 'spuds' but on reflection probably glad they didn't recruit that particular salesman :Hilarious:
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  2. Sundays weather looks better
  3. I got plans now for Sunday so will not be joining you lot.

    Next weekend then.
  4. Okay all you aquamarine-ists where are we heading tomorrow?

    Just remembered, Stuart reminded me its Riverview tomorrow.
  5. So looking at the weather, we will all be having a dirty weekend then? :smileys:
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  6. Yes, we always do one way or another lol
  7. There was a time when I could quite rightly claim to have had the dirtiest of weekends of anyone on this thread. But now Luca has taken my crown.
    I do, of course, refer to the mudguards (or lack of them) on the Hypermotard ;-)

    Riverview for me Sunday.
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  8. Awww I was just getting interested
    What an anti climax :Oldman:
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  9. Pete, Mel said she's not gonna be riding up to Boxhill tomorrow morning as it's gonna be wet still.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Yes Magda won't let you out, talk about being under the thumb, you only proposed the other day and already she's controlling your life :cry:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Strongly disagree! M
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. meeting S at Riverview - Box later
  13. We covered some distance today didn't we? Good variety at Riverview. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1455483002.829533.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1455483114.399290.jpg
    And I can personally testify that these two bikers knew more about the cars on show than the owners did [emoji4]
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    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. That's 5 mins from my house (cafe by the tip?). That white and blue one is always going past the house. Sounds great.
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  15. You could have popped in for a coffee then?
    Maybe next time!!
  16. Just let me know. Bikes being a typical Multi at the moment though. In P&H for some work.
  17. Has it got a broken radiator?
  18. Yep. You're not from P&H are you? [emoji6]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. on the Sherlock Holmes scale, Peter gets a 10!!
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  20. is it the water radiator and it's leaking on the l/h (kerbside) near the bottom where the matrix joins the side 'tank' ?
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