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the 'Anyone going to Boxhill today?' thread

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. They didnt mention the dark visors we all had tbf. Im a wee bit agrieved over the crossing of the white line, but the officer mustve done the same to pass that panda doing 20mph. I noticed him soon after as we approached Ockley. We then got pulled. But I feel for those two guys who went past us. They prob had a very very bad day. We'd noticed the plod presense and were riding accordingly. Alas it didnt help. I think they were finding any lame excuse to pull us over. God I hope they never noticed me on M25 on my way to Rykers. I only began spotting them after I left J9 and so rode to rykers like someone had stolen my ponies. In 2nd gear mostly.

    I went straight home after. Damn forgetting my MOT, but stuff happens.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. If that ever happens with the handsets......perhaps just turn the thing off before you rideout for the day.
  3. if-youre-having-a-shitty-day-just-remember-bad-stuff-happens-to-really-hot-people-too-25501.gif
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. love that post Sev ^ :) true and amusing in equal measures.
    Re: "herrings" - if they made a feature of it in a Road Traffic Cops prog, with decent footage and a wide range of motorcycles, I think they ought to get David Attenborough to narrate.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Like the copper said during his lecture, the courts love motorists. Easy money. The rapists and burglars they let free, but the motorists are easy prey.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Neither. It was an elderly gent in an old fiat panda on a clear road with great visibility. So we overtook the guy. Ah, I see the confusion. No it wasnt a panda car. It was a genuine Fiat Panda. The plod was a motorbike plod who saw this from miles back. He was riding one of those honda toury type things. I'd spotted him approaching quickly behind us but as we were about to slow for Ockley anyway, I took little notice until he told us all to pull over. When he told us about the solid line, I was seconds away from telling him what I thought, but decided against it. All my yrs riding Lambrettas illegally and the few slaps Ive had from plod over the years for being a mouthy yoof returned to me. I kept schtoom. yes sir, no sir three bags full sir.
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  7. I have full Ti Akra. Its loud. They never hassled me. Phew!
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  8. Yeah, Ive had their flyers thru the door. Which went swiftly into the recycle bin.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  9. If they did track us, then instead of using a the stick consistently, why don't the government offer a carrot and do something like reduce road tax and offer other perks for driving/riding with consideration to local and national limits.

    IMHO, rewards drive behaviour and looking for ways to maximise the potential, punishments drive resistance and looking for ways to break the rules!
    #9909 Bridgland, Apr 19, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
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  10. So, as this is the "Anyone going to box hill today?" thread. Is anyone tomorrow/ Sunday
    It's been a few years since I kicked my leg over a Ducati but last weekend I bought a multistrada. It was delivered on Wednesday and as yet I still haven't ridden it. I'll be out all weekend on it though...
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  11. Good chance of this Rob ^ hard to commit to a time yet though. :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Good stuff, it'll be nice to catch up
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. which Multi Rob?
  14. I've got a 2010, 1200. With 14000 miles on it.
    Red obviously... really clean too!
  15. 20210417_150655.jpg
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  16. Looks lovely.
  17. Thanks buddy, I'm over the moon with it...:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1

  18. meet the 3 Ugly sisters:-

    IMG_8539_LI (2).jpg

    only have 2 now.
    #9918 Chris, Apr 23, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
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