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the 'Anyone going to Boxhill today?' thread

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Flood biking tomorrow? Anyone?
  2. I feel sorry for the newscasters as they don't know weather (sic) they are coming or going - just watched the BBC contradict themselves within 5 minutes. I can confidently say it will be cold and wet at times Darren :wink:
  3. Looks ok in the morning will wait and see when I get up ;-)
  4. sunday looks nice
  5. 5 am Saturday got a mild 8 deg C ground temp and overcast but no rain 5 miles from Box. One forecaster did stick their neck out an say that morning would be sunny and dry for a 'duration' before reverting back to rain in the afternoon.
  6. might have to go to a jumble sale Rob - will let you know

    Warning issued to flood-hit Surrey communities as water levels rise | Surrey Mirror

    Environment Agency - Flood Warnings Search Results

    I believe this last site would have some reaching for the razor blade (lol) - if you want to cheer yourself up just tick on any of the left hand column :) Emergency and Contingency Planning and Preparation | Surrey's Local Resilience Forum | Protecting Yourself | Weather Conditions | Flooding
  7. Well I'm about today. I'm off to P&H early ish then at liberty as no kids.
  8. Looks like a longer window of opportunity tomorrow
    need to pop to P&h this morning so could meet there for a tea about 10 ish or box about 11 on my way back
  9. I'll be there about 09:30 for a while then back via Box so same timing.
  10. Should be plenty of water for you near Gatwick :)
    I'll be at Rykas after 10ish.
  11. glorious here now.. all blue
  12. Got held up on a call so now planning Box Hill for 10:00 and then on to p@H after.
  13. C U at P&H 10.30ish then. Maybe rideout from there?
  14. Just at Box now and heading to P&H in five.
  15. WeyValley advanced Motorcyclist tomorrow morning, 1st Sunday of the month IAM bike club, if your interested, pop along or look at the web site www.wvam.org.uk/

    is anyone around at Box, or Newlands tomorrow late morning?
  16. I was too late leaving at box hill now
    Mole has burst banks but on dry land for the time being I'll push on to p&h but probably miss you.
  17. Tried to cut across to p&h all routes blokes by the mole
    Clouds getting darker to the south so I baled and went home for a cuppa
    Might get out tomorrow have to be careful picking a route though :-/
  18. Ok Dazzle. Might see you Sunday. We're getting a coffee then riding out somewhere....

    .....To Box Hill :)
    #1059 Sharky698, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
  19. I was there bright and sunny at noon .the river looked impressive .took the zzr
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