It happened a few years ago so I'm all healed up now. Had fractured ribs, collar bones and a fractured C2 in my neck which meant a neck and chin collar/support for 3/4 months.
Have a good day at Newlands today. Will be waiting until Spring before I bring the 888 out again, plus I might get to stretch the legs of the 900ss for @900theginge, as I am taking care of his machine while he is abroad with work.
it was a good turnout, good to see Rob got his 1198S fixed. People left a little early due to angry clouds but they soon passed. (nice BAC mono)
I’ve been caught out a couple of times by the AA, they won’t always do what you pay for. I’ve also been forced to self rescue by the RAC as they took too long not getting to me.
Don't get me started on the AA - like the Police Force of course I don't mean they are all "rotten" but I had an experience rescuing someone broken down that put me off for life. A couple of jumped-up, two-bit, knife and fork cowboys attended, had no clue what was wrong and actually made things worse until they finally listened to me, and problem was solved. (Cobra Alarms versus Dolphin Telecommunications).
Looked like a few ventured out. Well done. I ended up getting out early and headed to North Devon, then onto cheddar Gorge, great ride but rainy nearing Taunton and colder that the 13c they promised!
A very nice Candy Blue LC, not too mangled by the hybrid squad.
If anyone else out there particularly "enjoys" the road either leaving or approaching Newland's Corner from the Dorking direction, then you had better make the most of it in the next summer or so, as guess who is coming to stay soon?
New average speed cameras to be installed between Newlands Corner and Silent Pool Distillery. For road safety reasons!
Seems counter productive... "We’re investing in average speed systems to improve road safety and collisions."
All the locations.