good idea of course AL, I assumed O.P. would try soaking as a first resort. I rarely get any luck with the soaking lark but always worth a try.
This stuff is USA military standard issue for cleaning and protection of small arms as well......I don't think it can be bought in the UK. If the OP inverted the carbs and dripped it in around the screws and left them a day or so, I reckon it would shift them....
Been there and done that. Ended up by drilling out the thread :Banghead: So now have one carb that is feck all use
shame ^ what we need is oversize threaded mixture screw so a larger thread can be tapped - chances of being concentric to jet bore are slim but would look at this if I had nothing else to do : )
I'll need to check Al, but the other carb is in good nick. Bear with me whist I go on a hunt to find it.
Well, I've had two sized up now, I resorted to cutting the tunnels down, one is still like it on my. 750. I've got some more needlesles here ready. They have been soaked about 5 times now, the fluid just disappear down the threads. Heat sounds like it might be worth a go, out with the gas axe tomorrow!! As for the needles that are in there, some one has given them a good seeing too, but I think there will be enough to have a go at. Has Antony tried freezing the needles? We have some spray at work, I'll give that a go too if I can get some. Thanks for the help all
extreme caution warming the carbs,if you have a bar of hand soap rub a line of soap on the carbs and if it turns black your close to melting them.
Well both the screws are Fcuk'ed, i only applied a small amount of pressure and they both fell to bits. I a mind to leave them and see how it runs when I get that far!!
Should have tried my penetrating oil................ Can you very gently tap a small socket onto what's left or isn't there enough left?
When you say socet what ya mean? I literally turned the screw driver and they rung out, there were mullard before I touched them. I can adjust the float height to adjust the mixture?? I've put the carbs back togeather today with a 12mm float height.
Quick up date, nearly back togeather, carbs are done and will be refitted. just need to sort out service parts and order new brushes for the starter motor. I also need new cables, anyone recoment somwhere for non gen parts??
Quick update. The kitchen took over last year so little done. I have fitted new belts (supplied by a very nice man on here) and turned the engine over with a battery for the first time. Have been all over the electrics, new oil pressure and neutral switch needed. Small amount of re- wiring needed on the ignition system, and I need to get fuel cap seals. Apart from this and a new rear tyre I'm nearly ready to start up, note to self, must put some oil in the engine before starting.