I think that Autotrader's geography knowledge is challenged. They think that I am closer to Glasgow than Plymouth!
O,h I am wrong. It was at the end as they counted it as an an ad. And ads come last - irrespective of relevance and distance!
The Driving & Assessment Centre 'phoned me today. After struggling to get up after falling from my chair in surprise, they told me that I am on their waiting list. Apparently, the first assessment is done over the telephone. I controlled myself and didn't shout back, "HOW THE F*CK CAN YOU ASSESS MY DRIVING OVER THE TLEPHONE?" and I wander if I will fail it as I no longer GAF. They are operating but way behind. I was told that it might not be until August until I have the chance to do the telephone quiz. My solicitor thinks that it is not the most important thing that I can claim for but I dunno. It's hard to remember pain and I know that it would of made a world of difference back in the day. I could of looked at my bank balance to cheer me up after overdosing on pain killers and then going out for a drive. My head is still screwed up. I'm thinking that if I do get my license back this year, I might buy a car. I can get what I want for less than 5k locally. I've given up thinking of buying any electric shit and wrecking the planet more. I still plan to buy another Ducati but that won't be until I get both my old ones roadworthy and MOTed - that means taxed as well.
I am going to practice for my driving assessment by spending as much time as possible on the 'phone as that is the first stage that I need to pass - I am taking this seriously! I think that the speaking clock might be a good start! There must be lots of 0800 numbers that I can work with...