When I worked in Skelmersdale I’d cycle to Rivington and back just to keep my legs in during the week, fair old climb.
How we doing lad? Yeh I’m all good, we ended getting the cottage we was trying to get while on the trip, been here a year now and getting there. So bike, push iron, golf memebership, fun has completely stopped haha.
Yeh it’s get the legs working alright, we probably did roughly the same route but opposite when I was training.
That’s a weird thing to hear from an Australian?!!! Yeh that’s not going anywhere, deal was I do this house for 2 years, remortgage and I buy another bike, 848 goes to track and I have many holidays!!
sounds like a great plan mate, really hope it works for ya! hopefully this shit wont last forever and jen's bbq will happen, if it doesi expect to see you there dude!!! or me and andy will come and fuck you up!
Hopefully pal, yeh I’ll be there mate, bike is stuck in garage because of scaffold so I knocked a hole in side of garage to get it out so it could go in for a service, only for then everything to close.
i stripped my 748 and dropped bits to various companies a week before lock down so i only have half a 748 now! im worried that if a company goes bust i will struggle to get my bits back.. crazy times
Some nice bikes on here. Always had bicycles and in the last couple of years have got back into riding regularly as part of my strive to be fitter (and the only 2-wheelers I've managed to ride this year so far). Got a few knocking around the garage but currently riding these;
The bike that got me back into it 10 years ago...now a winter hack. Italian beauties: Tri bike, lovely pink bar tape. cycling is the only time I get any piece & quiet.