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The Cyclists/ebikers

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by DucatiScud, Apr 7, 2020.

  1. Still braving the elements when possible. Supposed to be doing a 50k off road event on Sunday, I'll see how the weather is and if the trails dry up first. I like a challenge, but not suffering!
  2. Lovely :)
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  3. Got about 10 in, stumbled on this to my surprise at the back of a café at 7 am (CAFE not open). I don’t know whether it was a late delivery yesterday or an early one today, but very lucky foxes et cetera hadn’t got in there. In case you can’t tell from the picture they are four rather lovely Victoria type Sponges and the invoice was there for £26 for four so gives you an idea of their markup per slice.

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  4. Foxes was it...? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Good Luck - I did the Wiggle "Six hours in the Saddle" event in Staffs some years back partnered with a friend - took turns in completing a 10k course and also froze to death waiting in parc fermé. It was windy, wet, cold and just miserable. Plenty of wet, exposed tree roots to catch you unaware, which they did. Pleased to have completed it but...... would I do it again??? Maybe in summer! Have fun and try to smile! Enjoy:)
  6. F*cked it off...:D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. next time :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  8. I assembled my new Nero Elite Rollers today, the garage needs a bit more rearranging first and my daughter to set up Zwift with the new trainer.
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  9. Too much of a pusshey to do the sportive type thingy, I went out on my own for steady 16 mile bimble, was actually rather nice out. :)
    Really struggle with maintaining a decent body temp in the winter, cold then hot, then bloody cold again!
    #1910 Nelson, Nov 7, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2021
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  10. I also find it hard to regulate temp - like a steam train once going. I swear by Helly Hanson Life base layers including boxers if hill walking. They keep you reasonably warm when wet and dry fast. Hence, I hate wearing anything totally waterproof - boil in the bag!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Exactly what I find, if I wear my waterproof / windproof over jacket, within 15 mins I’m in baked spud mode! Saps all yr energy as well, being that hot!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Good day for peddling today, got over 40 off road miles on. Was muddy and wet but the sun was shining...
    IMG_20211113_134741.jpg IMG_20211113_122941.jpg IMG_20211113_122930.jpg
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  13. Setup the Elite Nero Roller and re-signed up for Zwift today. Hope to get out on the Aspero tomorrow
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  14. 36 miles in the autumn weather. Ok once you got rollin', rollin', rollin'.
    IMG_1266.JPEG IMG_1267.JPEG

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  15. Been out for a couple of hours with my lad straight from our door no loading the van up today.
    #1916 DucatiScud, Nov 14, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2021
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  16. 255020137_10159679116868421_7542266032115341116_n.jpg
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  17. A quick 20 miler around the Black Hambleton hills in Cleveland with my mate “Powerful Pete” :D
    A lot cooler than it looks and the wind on the tops was blowing a bloody hooley!


    So cold here I’m “dancing “ to keep warm :cold_sweat: !


    “Powerful Pete “ doesn’t seem to feel the cold :confused:…git !!


    For the first time ever today, after climbing about 600 ft in the first 2 miles, I thought to myself,…..” I need a bloody Ebike :thinkingface:“ !!
    Great sunshine for late November, a bit blowy and cool but I’ll take that any day ,..all good :upyeah:
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  18. Was out last night, felt mild so rode in shorts, probably the last time this year . Woods and byways virtually mud free, which was great . No pics as dark when we started .
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