N close call,northern tip of skye or fraserburgh (fin, get yer tape measure oot!) E Italian Alps W Orlando S Miami Must add, I hate commercial flying with a passion and reckon I will never fly commercially again.
The former Mrs Gimlet is still there. I came home and she didn't. I did it the wrong way round. :Banghead:
Furthest north - Russian White Sea, north of the Kola peninsula, well inside the Arctic circle. Furthest south - Porpoise Point, East Falkland. Furthest west - Los Angeles. Furthest east - one complete circumnavigation - Dubai, Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa, Hawaii, mainland USA and back to UK...
North - Fort William, Scotland West - Moorea, French Polynisia South - Pukekohe, North Island, New Zealand East - Pukekohe, North Island, New Zealand
Dunnet Head Lookout Point (just south of Bluff) Tikitiki (appears to be the most easterly point on the road round the East Cape) LA X transit lounge en route to NZ (technically not on US soil as we did not go through Customs) so if this doesn't count my best West will be St Nazaire.
N - Bathurst, NSW, Australia. E - Thames, Coromandel, NZ. W - Bathurst, NSW, Australia. S - Stewart Island, Southland, NZ. Why to travel too far when you already live in paradise? .
North And West, Anchorage Alaska South Stewart Island, New Zealand East, Gisborne, New Zealand Furthest from the sea, Moscow
Moira , donacloney , Portadown , upper ballinderry . We don't like strangers around here , now git off my land or squeal like a pig.