If you want to know more about this, read Woodward's Obama's Wars. Not a great read, but it does provide a response to the questions you pose. And no, the Yanks gave up the idea of victory some years ago. Now it's about saving face.
I guess the collective memory from Vietnam has been lost. A book by Rory Stewart, who is my MP, called 'The Places Inbetween' is a great read about a solo walk he made through Afghanistan in 2003. Well recommended.
If anyone cares about what I think, then my opinion is........ If there is anything which prevents our armed forces, colleagues and civilians from being killed (usually in a most cowardly way) I really don't give a flying y'know how the opposition is killed first, provided it is correctly targeted to avoid other real innocents being killed. Therefore, if it can be done remotely, whether by sniper or drone, just get on with it. AL