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The garden thread!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Gravel and pots ain't a garden, though, it's a posh driveway...
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Astro turf might be the way to go Fig
  3. better order 10 tonne top soil then
  4. I saw some really decent fake grass in a garden centre, but it was awfully expensive. I reckon re-turfing it will do the job.
  5. No mowing Fig
  6. How expensive? I have contacts :upyeah:

    Pm me with m2 measurements and your contact details. I can get them to call you :)
  7. To be honest I don't really want fake turf, I'd much rather have the real thing.
  8. I would say you got some digging and good prepping to do before you turf otherwise that will die off too.
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  9. Undoubtedly. It's not the labour I mind, it's the cost, it's got to be cheap.
  10. I have reseeded two gardens before from scratch. A lot of work digging over,removing weeds and stones,then got some grass seed from Homebase. Comes up a treat in 4 to 6 weeks. April onwards is the best time!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Fair enough. You can't say I didn't offer :wink:

    Incidentally the stuff I've seen looks real to the extent it also looks to have bits of the brown/dying grass after its been cut, so to speak.
  12. So do you want a real Ducati, or a life-sized fake which looks like a real one from a distance?
  13. I'll take the fake if it's cheap and reliable, ta:upyeah:
  14. Turning the garden over won't be a problem, I've already done it, that's how I know what's underneath. I seeded it with the right seeds, but I don't really know what I'm doing with lawns, it came up ok one summer but never been the same since.
  15. You have to water them in drought (perhaps especially if you suspect that trees are sucking up all the moisture). And feed 'em with some fertiliser a couple of times a season if poss (which in your case it is, because the area is so small). Also you want a bit of grass-friendly selective weedkiller on it (but not in the first year, I suspect) about once a season.

    The Lawn Expert: Amazon.co.uk: Dr D G Hessayon: Books

    is the classic, even if it is a little over the top. A sort of Haynes for lawns. But for a fiver? Bargain!
  16. fig
    Originally Posted by gliddofglood
    So do you want a real Ducati, or a life-sized fake which looks like a real one from a distance?
    I'll take the fake if it's cheap and reliable, ta
    :) same applies to women ..pmsl !!!
    If she's got fake bits is cheap and reliable " Ding dong " ;)
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