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The German Plane Crash

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. There is also the point regarding only having access from outside, the incident with the DC10 that had an engine failure that took out all the hydraulics, there was an instructor on board, who came forward and help the crew try to land the badly damaged plane, yes there were over 100 fatalities but there were nearly 200 who survived, and probably wouldn't had the crew not had the additional help.
    I'm somewhat surprised that the captain needed to use the loo on such a short flight. If it were me I'd have made sure I went before taking off!
  2. ... such as loss of cabin pressure.
  3. I get that but it's hardly going to help if you drive it into a mountain because you need to lose altitude quickly as a result of a loss of cabin pressure.
  4. If the pilot was planning on killing himself, why did he feel the need to take 150 people with him? Confusing and terrible.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. It's impossible to engineer total safety when you have a human being at the controls...thats the problem with human beings,they have a mind of their own!
    And it's not like the authorities haven't had any warning:
    November 2013, Mozambique Airlines Flight TM470
    1999, EgyptAir Flight 990 crashed near Nantucket, Massachusetts, killing 217 people
    December 1997, Silk Air Flight 185 crashed in Indonesia, killing 104 people on board.

    There is a small detail I found interesting from the Chief Prosecutors press briefing.
    He mentioned that verbal interaction between the two pilots was quite normal,but stated that when the Captain went through the landing procedure the conversation was,"abrupt",or,"terse",(can't remember the exact term he used).
    It's probably not significant: briefings between pilots are necessarily quite short as they don't want to miss a vital instruction,(thats why pilots always sound "clipped"),but I found it odd that the CP mentioned it.
    There are plenty of instances where accidents have happened due to crews not getting along-in fact I believe it was a crash in Scotland years ago,(where they found derogatory aircrew notes about the Captain in the wreckage),that led to the introduction of CRM.
    "Crew resource management or cockpit resource management (CRM) is a set of training procedures for use in environments where human error can have devastating effects. Used primarily for improving air safety, CRM focuses on interpersonal communication, leadership, and decision making in the cockpit".

    The Chief Prosecutors comment makes me wonder whether the Co-Pilot felt he was being talked down to,(maybe felt the Captain didn't trust him to land the aircraft),and then the co-pilot had a "f*ck you/I'll show you" moment.
    Yes it's far-fetched and I don't doubt for one moment it was something far more serious,but people die because of emotionally-induced stupidity every day...and once the Co-Pilot locked the door and altered the height on the Flight Computer ,there was no going back....if he changed his mind,at the very least his career was over,and possibly prison for endangering the safety of an aircraft.
    The answer is there somewhere,and,"the Devil is in the detail"...
  6. Very weird incident , without detracting from the obvious heart ache to friends and families i have to think of the 8 minutes of horror for the passengers whilst the unexplained descent .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. how about some sort of panic transponder that can open the door from the airlines H.Q?
    listening to an expert yesterday depending on how you interpret the figures flying is more dangerous than driving.
    ii dont doubt it.
  8. i think this is why i dont fly.
  9. TBH mate , i hate it myself !!!
  10. i dont think i ever will again,
  11. Never say never , but not by choice .
  12. nah. never again and not because of the recent spate ether. flying is just wrong.
  13. He probably didn't, it was probably all about himself, the rest were just in the wrong place at the wrong time ?
  14. So which side of the bulkhead to you place this device ? If the threat was always on one side of the bulkhead it would be an easier question to answer.
  15. New rules say that there will only one pilot and a dog in the cockpit
    The pilot is there to feed the dog
    The dog is there to bite the pilot if he touches anything
    #35 Lightning_650, Mar 27, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. in the pocket of the pilot taking a pish cant be to hard to work out a procedure.
  17. So a potential hijacker waits until the pilot comes out for a pish and takes said device from pilot thus rendering the door unlockable ?
  18. Don't see how a button helps....

    Co pilot goes for a pee, comes back and hits the pilot over the back of the head and then locks the door......
  19. no system is fail safe.
  20. And 3000 people die on the roads of the UK every year.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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