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The Lardy Bikers Get Fit Fast Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. 1/2 the fitness battle is what you stuff in ya gob, scoffing an Indian one day then expecting to counter that with an hour in the gym aint going to work.
    I'm a proper picker with food, so I just wont have stuff like crisps, biscuits and cheese in the house!
  2. Some good stuff in this thread !
  3. Hold on a cotton pickin minute..............what about my bloody pension :eek:
  4. W
    I thought that was the LCL I tore in 2012 that give me lots of gyp..
  5. I'd say 80% of weight battle, if thats the bag someone is chasing

    Question then. I obviously want to lose weight as a byproduct of changing ,y physical structure, ie I'm not looking to be 18st bodybuilder (yet ;-) ) bit as I'm mixing heavy weights with cardio, I'm knocking in a protein shake with skimmed milk after weights, not cardio. Bit worried this may not have the affect I want, but am concerned not enough protein will mean I dont get the structure change I'm looking for. Thoughts?

    As I have already mentioned, stretching is the most important thing you can to do prevent injuries.

    I took some pictures tonight of some simple stretches to cover the muscles you will use running and riding. If you swim you will need to stretch your arms, shoulders and chest too.

    The aim of each stretch is to hold for 30 seconds in 2 phases - a 20 second phase then a 10 second phase. You should hold the position as you can for 20 seconds. It shouldn't hurt but it will be tight. If it hurts or your limb is shaking, you're going to hard and you need to relax a bit. After 20 seconds ease off slightly then go back in to the stretch for a further 10 seconds - a little bit harder than you were before. At the end of the ten seconds slowly release the stretch and do the other limb.


    IMG_2314.jpg IMG_2313.jpg
    This is the front of your thigh. Hold the lacy part of your shoe, of the top of your foot in the hand on the side you are stretching. Try and get your heel to touch your bum. You will feel the stretch on the front of your thigh.


    IMG_2320.jpg IMG_2319.jpg IMG_2317.jpg IMG_2316.jpg
    This is the back of the leg from below the arse to just below the knee.

    There are two stretches here, one sitting and one standing. Do the one you feel the most comfortable with. You can stretch further and harder if you are seated.
    Standing - Bend one leg 90 degrees (ish) and extend the other leg forwards. Put your weight on your bent leg with you hands above you knee and go as if to sit your bum in a chair. You will fill the stretch in the back of your thigh.

    Seated - Sit with one leg extended and one foot folded in to your groin. Reach for your toes by keeping your back as straight as you can and bend from the waist. You will feel the pull in the back of your thigh.


    IMG_2331.jpg IMG_2318.jpg The balls and that. Spread your feet as far as you can, touch the floor with both hands and push your weight through your feet until you feel the stretch.

    There is an easier way to do this but I forgot to take a photo in the gym.

    Squat with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees out. Use your elbows to push your knees further apart and you will feel the stretch.


    IMG_2322.jpg IMG_2321.jpg
    Your bum. Put one foot on the outside of your opposite knee and hug your knee in towards your chest. You will feel a pull deep in your bum cheek. Giggedy.


    IMG_2325.jpg IMG_2324.jpg
    Runs from your hip to your ankle and is really hard to work on without using a foam roller. One of the ways to attack it is to try this...

    Support yourself on a wall or something, put your closest-to-the-wall foot as far from the wall as you can whilst keeping your leg straight. Then sit down and feel the stretch on the outside of your odd angle leg. To be honest you'll probably feel stretched every where at this point but this is the best way to go without spending money on more kit.

    Do each set on both legs once, then go round another 2 times. 30 seconds each leg.












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  7. thoughts are you are getting in too deep with protien shakes etc.
    they are pretty much worthless at our level.

    eat a well balanced diet. small and regular portions and train hard wether it be weights or cardio to achieve your goal.
  8. Bradders,

    If you want to grow muscle and are taking protein supplements to achieve that you should take them every day. You do your growing in your rest periods. So making sure its always available will have the biggest benefit, as is, like nelson said, having more protein available through the day and especially before you go to bed. If you were to eat a pot of cottage cheese before going to sleep each night your body will be making the most of that slow release protein for the full 8 hours you're sleeping.
  9. Stretching, helps. trust me. It helps a lot.

    I stretch my achilles and calfs using a step or a stair when i am ootside having a fag. My groin like the pic shows when making tea at work.

    Helped me keep my toes on pegs rather than middle off foot. I need to be on the front of my foot on a bike as thats where I balance from.
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  10. I'm at the gym once a week with my daughter it's free at the school
    Just upped my game to burn the Xmas pounds off
    I lost a lot of weight running around 6 years ago
    I need an incentive like a nice fit man to spur me on a bit any takers ;-)
    After my accident I have lounged around a bit and I'm not fit my lung capacity has gone right down hill
    My best running training was with an ex army guy he pushed me to the edge to nearly being sick but I felt good for sticking at it
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  11. Could you make up meals for us and post them out :)
  12. Good luck looking for a 'fit' bloke in this thread. Fat, bald, freaks or skinny nerdy halfwits is about all youre gonna get here.
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  13. Cheers. Shakes are just so easy, and allegedly have lots of other nutrients too...like i say diet is my problem, its where I get a little lost.
  14. I swapped biscuits and crisps for nuts and those healthier tracker type bars.

    I could easily eat a whole packet of chocolate biccies on my own.
  15. Tracker bars, never found a healthy one
  16. I can see a TV bidding war starting for the rights to televise this
  17. Whey shakes are (mostly) simply a way of getting more protein in.
    If your're looking to grow muscle you need protein, lets say roughly 30g every 2-3 hours, this is approximately a chicken breast or a tin of tuna.
    Pretty soon you will be bored of eating all this + the expense! Don't worry about becoming an 18 stone Hercules just yet, this takes years and years!

    I'd suggest water with the shale not milk, best times are first thing in the morning and last at night. For extra protein add egg whites.
  18. All the so called healthy snack bars are loaded with sugar and are not healthy for you so be aware
  19. But hoping i can add 3lb of muscle while losing 4lb of fat Nelson
  20. Indeed, many "low fat" options are load to buggery with sugar instead!
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