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The Lardy Bikers Get Fit Fast Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Loads of helpful stuff on here. Cheers Tom.

    I know you're not a fan of this Insanity thing but I find it motivational, so I will persist with it.

    If one of my knees does go pop in the coming weeks, you can be the first to say, I told you so ! :upyeah:
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  2. Cheeky Bootsam you is. I'll have you knows I has been referred to as the Milk Tray man. :wink:
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  3. You should try and do one, followed by the other.

    Burn the fat then build the muscle.

    Do high intensity fat burning stuff for one month without taking the shakes. Then check your weight. If you're happy with that then start hitting the weights and taking the shakes and try to control your calorie intake.

    One of my Romanian friends here wants to have a 6 pack of steel, but he won't listen to me when I tell him that a million sit ups won't make his 6 pack look good if it still has a layer of fat over the top of it. He needs to burn the fat as well as work his abs and also work his core, to push his abdominals forwards so they can be seen!

    Fat first, then the guns :)
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  4. I got quite a good stomach from fit ball and doing crunches and side crunches back a while ago it took 3 years
    Which I have been doing at the gym but my lardy bits seem to stick out rather than in so I'm guessing I need to loose the lard before my 4 pack sticks out :-/
  5. Which is what I have done lots of times and it just stops losing. While I get physically weaker. And I cant face, nor have time, for hours of low intensity cardio every day

    Hence the change to try weights. And almost all fat burning advice these days involves weights as much or more than cardio
  6. Tom
    My knees are not good but I need an exercise to tone down my love handles and backs of knees and thighs
    Any tips please

    At gym I'm cycling around 5.2km at steady 75 level 3 to 6 for 20 mins

    Walking at 3.4 inline 0.5 to 3.0 for 20 mins

    Cross trainer 10

    I have a fit ball at home but can't use shoulders anymore for push ups etc
  7. One tracker bar has less sugar in it than a packet of chocolate malted milk or a packet of mint viscounts.
  8. Mmmm malted milk

    Hey behave we are trying to keep fit here and you are just leading us in to temptation
    *must be strong must be strong*
  9. Half of a Jamaican sugar plant has less sugar than a packet of milk choccy biccies tho...

  10. It's all about heart rate to see how hard your body is working. Work out your maximum HR by subtracting your age from 220. Thats your 100% HR. Now divide that number by 100 and times by 60. Thats your target fat burning heart rate. In the gym you may have heart rate monitor type handles on the grips of the machine or you may need to find your pulse and count. Thats the best way, in my opinion, to lose weight along with eating well.

    I saw your message about meals earlier and I don't really like telling people what they can and cannot eat. If you are able to search online and find calorie controlled meals that you feel you want to eat then eat those and make sure you don't eat more than 2000 calories per day. If you feel guilty about eating it then you probably shouldn't have eaten it.
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  11. When I used to be at the VAT Tribunal, one of the Chairmen was John Manningham-Buller QC, The Viscount Dilhorne. His nickname was "Biscuit" - because he was a Viscount.
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  12. I can only give advice from what I know and have experienced, so I can't comment on the most up to date workouts. I think in one month you can quite easily lose 4lbs through CV work of any kind, and you won't lose too much strength. You can take a 2 week break completely from lifting and you'll be able to start back right where you left off. So after for weeks you might loose 10lb on your bench but in 2 weeks you'll have that back, plus you'll have had a good rest to give you the best injury free start to getting big again.

    Fast movement are often poor movements, poor movements lead to injuries and injuries lead to time out of the gym :(
  13. I can also chomp a whole mcvities ginger cake on my own too. Even better with custard.

    Anyhoo, its the cutting of this that trimmed my waist. I am a sweet snacker, even though I still have a 30" waist but it crept up to 31" and I thought...hmmm...better stop this and eat healthier. So I lost the bit on the waist and am slowly getting more toned.
  14. Wifey has always been slim but had those wobbly bits under her arms.

    We do a workout involving weights, cardio and a lot of bag work (punching and kicking) at our local Chinese martial art club.

    Her arms are really lean and defined now........... and she's nearly 46 ! :smile:
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  15. Hmmmm I could think of a few customers whose arses need kicking that would tighten my flabby thighs

    Unfortunately my shoulders are knackered after my off and I can't lift anything heavy anymore or above shoulder height and punching is out if the question :(
  16. See that's where your education differs from mine Pete, I'd have called him Buller the bullshitter. :biggrin:
  17. I'd have called him two-dads
  18. A packet of Jaffa cakes counts as at least 2 of your 5 a day :upyeah:
  19. You can deal with temptation a lot more easily if you don't have the stuff in the house. I like biscuits, and crisps and cakes. But I don't buy any, so I never have any to eat. So I don't eat them.
  20. The problem with the 'office' always biscuits lying around and a cake and crisp dispenser in the kitchen plus vans selling crap outside

    Oh well not for much longer :)
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