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The Lardy Bikers Get Fit Fast Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. My mates daughter is getting married beginning of Feb, so if I don't lose at least 10 pounds, I'm gonna have to buy a new suit !:rolleyes:
  2. i started today want to lose weight 5ft 11 15stone 9 lbs wanna lose a stone last time i worked out was getting out the womb !!
    i'm doing the us navy seals morning warm up with some cycling, as cant jog due to achillies strains .Using a app called my fitness pal very useful it can scan food items tells you the calories and fat and sugar content .eating 2000 calories a day:upyeah:
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  3. I think not-two 45 min swims last week, as per schedule

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  4. I got to a pretty good level of competition swimming until I was about 16.

    2 hours training a day 6 days a week.

    I bloody hated every minute of it. :wink:
  5. Well Tom has done me a program to follow starting with a 3o min bike ride , went to shed, bike has a puncture due to nipper wheeling it :frown: , and his mountain bike has not been returned by fat friend :frown: , ah ha all is not lost there is a cross trainer in the spare room , brought by my wife on a whim.
    Did 20mins - 10 k and burnt 94 calories , frikken boring though watching the wallpaper , memo to self get bike fixed.:upyeah:
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  6. I'm already at my ideal weight :upyeah:..........just need to work out how to grow 6" taller :biggrin:
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  7. I did 30 minutes on the Wii yesterday - well it was pissing down

    Walked the dog at lunchtime as usual but went a little faster :biggrin:

    Pilates tonight
  8. Am I the only one doing this ?
    So much for the 10 different exercises 6 times over with a minute rest between Thomas ! :eek:
    I could only manage it twice before I was a blob of jelly oozing smelliness on the floor. :frown: I will improve or kill myself trying I hate not being good enough to satisfy what I think I should be able to do in my mind. If that makes sense.
    I thought I was reasonably strong for my age but didn't realise what a putrescent pile of softness I've become.

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  9. Is this right I'm sitting here and some of my muskalls is shaking . ! MUM. :rolleyes:
  10. [​IMG]
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  11. This is my Bun,there are many others like it but this is mine. :tongue:

    Cheers Horatio , I knew you'd be in for a quip .
  12. You'll very quickly adjust peter. The program I gave you is all about your own pace. So if you can only do 2 reps in the 30 seconds, that's fine. Just do 2. Eventually your body will adapt and it'll get easier and easier.

    If you felt horrendously sick and wobbly, that might happen again the next two or three time, but will eventually stop happening. Your body isn't used to what your asking it to give, but please keep going. I promise you the initial progress is the fastest and have the biggest bounds. In 4 weeks time you'll be wondering what the fuss was about.

    Then I'll give you a real program ;) ;) pain is just weakness leaving the body!!!!
  13. By the way, well done for going for it. That's a great effort, I'm dead chuffed.
  14. Lost just over 3 pounds since Saturday keeping hr lower In fat burn zone , might be on to something here will post updates
  15. Thats a good shit when you're 18st
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  16. Dr dave update somethings gone horribly wrong

  17. Yep brown braces totally wrong
  18. Back to the gym tonight. Only been going twice a week but went three times last week. Need to organise personak trianer to give me a plan, its only 25 euro for consult. ( There's a female trainer, i think she'd motivate me best :biggrin: )

    Must keep the momentum up.
  19. I've gained 2.5kg in 6 weeks, need to grow faster!!! Damn metabolism
  20. 2.5 kg of what?
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