The Man with 10-Stone Testicles.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. Every time I go on eBay the first thing that pops in my head is search for
    secondhand hand detached extra large ball bags.

    i nearly hurled when they said excellent we have found his penis ...
    I can't imagine how any man watching that did not wince or vomit..,
  2. They didn't appear to say what they did with his Testocles...............looked like a pair of those deely-bopper things......

    .........and the two assistant surgeons playing upside down conkers with them!

    Is he really sueing the hospital for leaving him with a 1" willie? I reckon he's lucky to have one at all.......

  3. You donating yourself or any parts thereof, Al? :wink:

    G'wan, whats your weird bits for Ripleys, we won't tell anybody, honest?
  4. He's complaining????
    He could enter " Howard Sterns small penis competition "
    Although he would be huge compared to the guys on that!
    If you google it you really have to hand it to the blokes !!!
    It's quite funny .
  5. We watched it last night, I always wonder how people let stuff like that get so bad!?
    The tissue they removed was only a couple of pounds lighter than I am! :eek::eek:
  6. He's certainly got balls !!
  7. he got it done for free but apparently a lot of scrotes still changed hands.
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