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The most horrific fiddler?!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. If Harris is found guilty of the allegations against him, he deserves to spend the rest of his days in prison.

    If as a result of that outcome, your childhood memories of an "entertainer" with a "warm persona" are somewhat tainted, I would respectfully suggest that your disappointment is not quite as traumatic as the experiences of unfortunate young people who experienced a more sinister side of Harris' "warm persona".
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  2. Ffs so he's guilty without seeing and cross examining proof now?! I hope none of you either get money or fame, so someone from 40 years ago says you touched their leg for too long and now you're a paedo

    where does it all end :rolleyes:
  3. Two little boys, getting on a horse?

    Symbolism, isn't it? Hmm?

    Don't quote me on that.
  4. I suspect that you failed to notice the word "If" at the beginning of each of my sentences.

    I also hope that Harris gets a fair trial, but I really don't know how allegations this old can be proven or disproven, so, like you, I don't know where it will all end.

    What I do know, is that I am happy to live in the greatest democracy in the world which has a justice system that I believe gets it right in a huge % of cases. And if Harris gets found guilty, he deserves what he gets.

    If he is found innocent, there should be a public enquiry to establish why such serious allegations that are so old were allowed to go to trial. One presumes the CPS made their decisions on the basis of some solid evidence.
  5. Like he will ever be found innocent. Even if 'not guilty' it will be 'lack of evidence' or 'no smoke without fire'

    If he did, and its proven beyond reasonable doubt (and not 6 mail readers and 6 sun readers in a room) then he should get whatever anyone else gets as punishment

    But does that tarnish the delight he gave millions of kids in their childhood (no double meaning)?!
  6. It guess the jury will decide on the outcome of the trial, with the guidance of the presiding judge, and regardless of their newspaper of choice.

    It is up to each individual to decide for themselves whether the outcome of the trial will tarnish their memories of his past performances on TV.

    We cannot do that until we know the outcome of the trial.

    My point was, that IF he is guilty of doing bad things to young people, the impact on those people is far worse than the fact that the memories of those he did not do bad things to, are somewhat tainted.
  7. Well of course , that goes without saying , I'm not trying to suggest that my disappointment is more severe than an abused victim.
    simply pointing out how these people held in esteem by youngsters growing up ( like myself) can cloud what were once smile enducing memories , but I guess that's the nature of these pervs , deceit , masters of the normal.
  8. Peter, nothing goes without saying. Nothing ever worth saying, anyway.

    I can imagine the grandchildren of a certain man remembering him with fondness, and in their view, rightly so.

    My recollection of the same man, whilst he sodomised me when I was 10 years old and his wife was in the kitchen making supper are less fond.
  9. Sorry no offence meant.
  10. None taken Peter, truly, none taken.

    We all have different perspectives and experiences. Mine are no more or less valid than anyone else's, they are just different.

    That is what democracy and proper debate is all about.

    That is one of the reasons I love this forum and the people who regularly contribute, whether I agree with them or not.
  11. I'd kind of assumed these celebrities were getting caught out by shagging underage birds flinging themselves at them cos they were celebrities, the rock star effect if you like, but the latest accusations aimed at Harris would suggest something far more sinister. Saville didn't surprise me at all, but DLT and Rolf..? Edmunds is next...
  12. He's a dirty bird! No smoke without fire!. Lock him up!
  13. DLT was charged with 'having his hand too long on my leg' of a 20 odd yr old woman. Says it all :rolleyes:
  14. He's still shifty...
  15. The thing that concerns me about the Rolf Harris (and to a degree the jimmy saville case) is the possibility that we are prosecuting 1970's and 1980's behaviour based on 2013 social sensitivity. In the 1970's putting your hand on a kids knee or patting them on the bum may well have been totally innocent, and not sexually motivated at all, where as by 2013 standards its no longer acceptable. It stinks to high heaven that there was no sign of anything until after savilles death and then once he's in the ground everything comes out of the woodwork.

    Frankly the whole thing looks like total rubbish to me. Does this mean everybody who ever hugged a crying child will suddenly be retrospectively charged with these 'crimes' in thirty years time?
    #115 philoldsmobile, Dec 24, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  16. No idea about Rolf, but the Savile thing seems to have been proven beyond reasonable doubt: he was a sexual predator who took advantage of the vulnerable.
  17. Where has it been proven? If you mean in the Mail, the Sun...
  18. Agreed , incidentally Jim Davidson has been cleared.
  19. Funny, never saw that as headline news on Beeb and ITV as it was when he was arrested...

    This is all perpetuating the men-hating views of butch lesbians who state 'all men are rapists'
  20. The BBC memos and god knows how many victims who have come forward. It's not just one or two.
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