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The Motorbike Show

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. I could blag it as a presenter :)
  2. I have never seen the programme, but perhaps they are trying to attract a wider audience than just "dyed in the wool bikers", maybe they feel it may foster a better understanding of bikes/bikers, and maybe even attract more people to this great pastime that we on here all share :wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. He's still a Plonka.
  4. Is this the same Henry Cole that does the "Worlds Greatest M/Cycle Rides" ?
  5. Ahh well, yes, a bit of an arse then, yep.
  6. No.

    Hope that helps:wink:
  7. Moved to Lounge :smile:
  8. Spoilsport ;-)
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  9. just been watching "the filth files " and Henry Cole was doing the voice over .....so i turned over
  10. I take it the Filth Files has to do with cleaning rather than porn. I could never imagine Henry Cole voicing over a bloke pretending to be a plumber...
  11. Did you see the story in MCN this week. Henry Cole is launching Gladstone Motorcycles making bober style bike with Metisse frames and old Boneville motors. The most intersting fact is his Great Uncle was William Gladstone who was Prime minister 4 times.
    #32 Richard 1200, Jul 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2013
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