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The Nhs And Stupid Parents

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by comfysofa, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. I beg to differ. You are going to have to pay for your healthcare, one way or another. You* can pay indirectly via taxation and the NHS. Or you can pay directly, by footing private hospital/doctor bills as they arise. Or some mixture of the two.

    We can debate the total amount, and we can debate the mechanism for paying it. But there is very little scope for debating the fact that you are going to need healthcare, and you're going to have to pay for it.

    * Meaning "you and everybody else" obviously.
  2. My point, as is very obvious, is a comparison of the NHs VfM can only be measured against the same services offered on the same basis. The US is not the same basis so clearly irrelevant
  3. Thanks Mervyn and brass flute. Wife is back in for the night shift. Think I knackered him out earlier. He wanted to go to the toilet and someone else was in there so we had to walk further which he didn't want to do so I persuaded him to.... The other thing I didn't realise was that apparently they pump their stomachs with air so it's easier to work. The air either comes out below or rises and gives them aching shoulders.... He's had both...
  4. I think you have to take into account that Americans are addicted to taking pills of one kind or another. :Smuggrin:
  5. Been doing some searching, seems the tables above are way out of date with overall UK being at 9.6 GDP, but here is a link to the latest data I can find that shows the private v govt spending on healthcare, with UK at 16% and eg Switzerland at 41%. Simply put, there are very few countries, such as the Seychelles, that pay more of their own 'wealth' into a service designed to take care of its ill citizens. Also the EU one doesn't have any data for the UK, which seems odd..

    Healthcare spending around the world, country by country | News | theguardian.com

    So in essence we are fairly unique in that our free service (of course someone has to pay...its the taxpayer) and we encourage those feeling ill to see someone, but alas spend too little of our resources on the infrastructure and support of those services.

    And glad yer lad is feeling better,,,hope he has a great scar he can tell his mates was from shark-fighting ;)
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